Getting Smart’s new publication 20 Invention Opportunities in Learning and Development is hopeful and a puzzle. Hopeful for the next generation, hopeful for the world, and hopeful for education. A puzzle for how we assemble the loose parts of the disparate collection of ideas, innovations, products, organizations, schools, and ideas termed “education…

Rigor/relevance framework amended

I have been intrigued by the rigor/relevance framework created by the International Center for Leadership in Education and cited in Sheninger and Murray’s book Learning Transformed. Rightfully so, it has a focus on evaluation of curriculum, instruction, and assessment…

Education corridors

This morning an email about Vertical University came up. The ultimate goal “is to engage multiple stakeholders to create a botanical conservation and education corridor spanning from Koshi Tappu, one of South Asia’s largest aquatic bird sanctuaries, adjacent to the Indian border to Mt