NFTFY at Blockchain Rio

The largest blockchain event in Latin America

Daniela Zschaber
4 min readSep 7, 2022


Recently, the NFTFY team was at NFT.Rio and I wrote an article here, approaching how DAOs were an extremely relevant subject during all the talks at the event, and guess what?! The same happened with Blockchain Rio.

Governance and structuring of DAOs were — by far — the topic that most caught the attention of the web3 crowd at the event. In the past, this kind of discussion was barely present. When talking about DAOs, the few topics discussed were about success cases or some specific topics about the decentralization of companies. And now, a variable emerged in the face of events and brought up some questions: how to be a builder in the world of the decentralized autonomous organizations?

It is very cool to see how small matters from the past have already become something relevant in such large events. That means a lot to the ecosystem, especially concerning the mass adhesion of people. Is this the direction that DAOs will take?

NFTFY had an exhibition stand and, unlike NFT.Rio, we could see a more business-oriented audience during the event. A lot of people stopped by, asked about NFTFY, and got interested. What made me happy was knowing that several people already knew about NFTFY and talked to our team to better understand each product.

Great wheel and metaverse? Yeah!

The orange wave doesn’t stop!

Our team held an amazing side event. And I don’t even know where to start telling you. Do I start talking about the great wheel or the metaverse? Well, our party had it all! The press was there, and yesterday we were on the cover of one of the biggest crypto news portals.

The party took place at Yup Star Rio, a great wheel in Rio de Janeiro, considered the biggest great wheel in Latin America. All guests could see the wonderful city from 88 meters high. Some of them even embarked on this adventure to do business. In addition, we counted on the Xepa team to build an art gallery in the metaverse. That is, guests were able to wear VR glasses to follow incredible NFTs from collectors and artists such as Renato Shira, Caio Vicentino, Tim Balabuch, Nouns and Lil Nouns, Diego Tovar and Bankless Brasil.

Feel free to step into the Xepa metaverse and follow the NFT artwork that was at the NFTFY party!

The party, which had several special guests from the press and big names in the industry, connected people (physically or in the metaverse) and it was certainly a space that generated new — and no longer great — use cases of fun and business.

Five members of our team were invited to speak on the stages. Our CEO, Leonardo Carvalho; Lalo Trage, the co-founder and also the BizDev; Victor Cioffi, the Head of Community; Daniela Zschaber, our Content Manager and João Kury, the Community Manager.

All the talks and lectures were incredibly needed! Some were shared with great partners and frens, like the ShapeShift team, Renato Shira and Bankless Brasil.

The orange wave on the stage!

The place was very well chosen, Pier Mauá is a large space, and the public could enjoy the internal and external areas. Rio de Janeiro has gained prominence when it comes to web3, and I really believe that Rio will be the reference city when it comes to this ecosystem and Brazil.

The event was a success– all these subjects were discussed by our content manager (the guest) in a Youtube Live that took place on Tuesday.

The Live is in Portuguese, but one of the topics raised was the importance of not being anonymous anymore on web3.

A few years ago, DAOs were marked by the anonymity of their members, a culture that is slowly getting lost with the relevance of big events. Much is currently being questioned about the importance of no longer being anonymous to generate a network effect about the adoption and use of blockchain-based businesses.

Tell me, what’s your opinion?

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Daniela Zschaber
Editor for

AKA Danimim | Web3, Crypto, NFT and Blockchain Content Creator | Sapere aude 🚀 — Girls just wanna have ( ) fun (x) NFTs