For loops (Bash scripting, Part 2)

Andrea Telatin
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2018

After a small introduction to Bash scripting, we finally create a first bioinformatics script… introducing one of the loops we can use with the shell. A loop is a structure that allows to perform a set of commands a number of times.

The for loop, specifically, iterates the commands using a list of terms. Here and example of the syntax:

You can see the highlighted keywords: for, in, do, done. The loop works using a list of elements (in the example three names), a variable that each time will contain each item of the list, and finally a set of instructions (commands) to be executed, between do and done. Indenting these commands is not required, but make the code clearer.

A real world example

When you have a list of SAM files and you want to convert all of them in (sorted) BAM format, you have a good example of when a for loop can come to use:

Line 5 assign to a variable the total number of .sam files in the current directory (see previous post).

Line 8 declares the for loop, using $SamFile as variable, and *.sam instead of the list. This works because the shell will expand this writing to a list of file name¹.

In this script we see a new way of retrieving the content of a variable: ${Variable} instead of $Variable, that allows us to concatenate the content with other strings².

“Find and replace” inside a variable

The script has an annoying bug: if we have a file called alignment.sam, it will create a BAM file called alignment.sam.bam. This because we simply added “.bam” at the end of the filename.

Bash has a feature called variable substitution. It works with this syntax ${VariableName/WhatToFind/Replacement}:

variable='Hello World!'
echo ${variable/World/Universe}

To see this in action we have a small example:

Now try yourself!

Use the variable substitution as shown in the above example to fix the “” script, and have it creating nicer output file names!

If you want to see the solution, have a look here.

¹ This script has a problem here: if there are no files in the directory, the shell expansion will not work. We will fix this later!

² If we have a variable called Variable and its content is “NAME” and we want to print the string “NAME2”, how can we do this? If we type:

echo "$Variable2"

The shell will try to look for the content of a variable called “Variable2”, that does not exist. Here the correct version:

echo "${Variable}2"

