6 Ways to Prevent Diseases

Vansha Mahajan
NHCT - NanoHealthCare Token
4 min readSep 28, 2018

Have you ever walked into a supermarket to buy detergent and been overwhelmed by the sheer array of choices given to you? Every brand seems to be advertising something great, that might lead you to believe that you are making the right choice, but is that actually the case? The choices we make regarding our health can feel the same way at times. There are so many ways and products available that decisions have gotten harder. Everywhere you look someone is suggesting something different.

Instead of making these tough decisions, we can take simple steps to maintain our health and prevent diseases. Doing these simple things could prevent you from years of suffering and costly treatment. Not only will it be better for our bodies, but also for our pockets. Here are a few ways in which you can take control of your health and prevent diseases in the future:

1. Be Active — Being physically active and fit is very important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Exercise does not have to mean a rigorous workout or long hours at the gym. To start off with, try finding 30 minutes in your day dedicated to some sort of physical activity or exercise, these 30 minutes do not even have to be continuous. Spend some time gardening on your lawn or go play a fun game of basketball, have fun while you stay fit.

2. Sleep Well — Getting a restful, sound sleep of good quality is connected with longevity and overall health. Sleep restores the energy lost by our body through the day. How we feel and our overall productivity depends on the quality of our sleep. Most experts agree that an average human should get at least seven hours of sleep every day. If you are not able to sleep well for some reason, you might want to check your eating habits or stress levels. Naturally occurring compounds in your food like Serotonin, Vitamin B6, B12, and Folic acid promote healthy sleep. You should keep away your phone, breathe deeply and try to relax before going to bed. Try not to disturb your biological clock and stick to a particular time of sleep.

3. Eat healthy food — Your eating habits can either make you or break you. A balanced diet with a good proportion of vegetables and fruits is vital for our body. On an average, women should have 2000 calories per day and men need around 2500 calories. Each individual might need a different amount of nutrient intake depending on their weight, medical condition etc but an optimum level has to be maintained. For example, most nutrition organizations recommend 0.8 gms of protein per kilogram of body weight. Eating healthy does not just include food but water as well. Staying hydrated is important for the daily functioning of our cells. It is recommended that an average person have at least two liters of water per day along with a balanced diet.

4. Avoid toxins — There are many toxins present around us in our atmosphere, such as smog, polluted air, and water, fumes etc. Though you might not have much control over them, you must do your best to avoid them as much as you can. Other toxins such as alcohol, preservatives, chemical-rich food, nicotine-based products etc are well within your control. Anything in moderation is fine, but when it increases the threshold value, the harm it causes is immeasurable, both physically and mentally.

5. Stress Management — Stress has been seen as the leading causes of critical illnesses such as heart disease, lung ailments, cancer and even cirrhosis of the liver. In the age that we live in, stress is unavoidable, but, managing it is possible. Take breaks, meditate, go for a run with your dog, release the stress you have within you. Try not to let your stress take over your life. It is also very important that you maintain a good work-life balance, work as hard as you play.

6. Regular checkups — If you can catch a disease before it arrives, isn’t it better? Regular health checkups will help you keep tab of your health status and also monitor what is right or wrong. Your diet, daily routine, exercise can then be formed in such a way that it adapts to your requirements.

These are a few preventive methods that you can use to maintain and achieve better health. You may already be doing these things but you can always level up. These simple practices will help you live healthily, prevent diseases and increase your longevity, overall these will only make you feel better. Try to assimilate these into your everyday life in such a way that it becomes a habit. Start easy and keep working to better yourself. If we start focussing on our health today, happiness will follow right behind.

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