Outlier Tickets Now Available!

Mollie Pettit
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2020

Outlier tickets are officially on sale! You can buy one right now — head on over to the ticketing page to make sure you don’t miss out on the very first conference from the Data Visualization Society.

Rather than asking everyone to give the same price, we are providing multiple pricing options. This is for one simple reason: we don’t want the price of a ticket to be a barrier for anyone who wants to be there.

There are three price tiers to choose from. All of them come with the same all-access offerings. No VIP attendees here!

Price Options

Support Outlier ($299)

Have you had a good year? Is your company paying for your ticket? Offering a little extra helps make it possible for people with less financial resources to attend. We appreciate it enormously! :D

Standard Ticket ($149)

We’re working hard to create a quality event and we feel this is good value for what we’ve got planned. We ask that people pay this price if they’re able.

Income Conscious ($49)

We want you to be here and we don’t want cost to be a barrier. If you can’t afford the standard ticket, please consider this cheaper option. :)

Free Tickets Available

We genuinely don’t want cost to be a barrier that keeps you from attending. If you want to come, but you can’t afford a ticket, send an email to us with the subject line “Free Outlier ticket, please” and we’ll send you a ticket, no questions asked. We trust that people who request free tickets are doing so because they’re unable to pay.

Additional Support

Want to contribute additional funds? Please feel free to add the additional amount to the free-form field on the ticket form!

If you’d like to support our conference in non-monetary ways, you could:

Call for Speakers

Also, just a quick reminder that we have an open call for speakers! Deadline: December 1st, 2020.

We hope that you decide to join us. Looking forward to seeing you there!!

