Nimiq & Trinkler Software

Joint Collaboration & Research

Team Nimiq
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2018


A couple of months ago Nimiq was mentioned in multiple cryptocurrency news outlets for being the chosen Blockchain for the launch version of Agora Trade by Trinkler Software, the first ever cross-chain, non-custodial crypto exchange that is browser-based and focused on ease of use. They share a vision with Nimiq: Cryptocurrency made easy for end-users. Both projects tap on the convenience and security of modern browsers to create intuitive browser-based crypto platforms. It is easy to see how both projects share potential for synergies that are worth exploring.

At the first Nimiq Meetup we were happy to welcome Reto Trinkler — Melonport’s former CTO — and some of his colleagues from Trinkler Software who are the team behind Agora Trade. This first encounter kick-started a discussion on opportunities to collaborate, which was then continued at the Web3 Summit where Agora Trade was presented at a couple of talks. Nimiq developers had another chance to talk with Reto and his partners over the Nimiq Berlin Meetup at Room77. Things started to get more concrete.

During its early phase, Nimiq started experimenting with what we called a KeyFile. The KeyFile (final name still to be decided) was basically an encrypted version of your private key formatted as a QR code and presented as an image file for the user to download and backup. This method allows users to easily store their private keys while remaining safe from possible hacking attempts since the QR code is password encrypted.

One of the talks in Web3 Summit focused on Trinkler’s efforts to increase usability in the management of private keys through the use of a similar technology. Avid users of cryptocurrencies are familiar with the complexity and intimidating process of handling private keys of cryptocurrency accounts. This common pain point seems only to increase whenever the user tries out different types of cryptocurrencies. Inspired by Nimiq’s technology, Trinkler set off to create a multi-cryptocurrency KeyFile, the ImageWallet.

Nimiq’s LoginFiles come in different colors to make them easier to be distinguished

Recent brainstorming sessions that started with Reto Trinkler and his Agora Trade cofounder Andrea Castiglione visiting Team Nimiq in Costa Rica, has led both teams to collaborate on creating a standardized version of this new technology. We are very proud to announce ImageWallet as the first collaboration of Trinkler Software (developer of former Agora Trade) and Nimiq. This milestone marks the start of a potentially very mutually beneficial relationship. Now, Nimiq and Trinkler maintain an ongoing collaboration fueled by the common goal of bringing the benefits of cryptocurrencies to mainstream.

Team Nimiq is very excited about working with experienced research & developers like Trinkler in the challenges that lie ahead on the road to Crypto Mass Adoption.

Agora Trade, welcome to the Jungle!

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