Super September

Be'Anka Ashaolu
Nirvana Soul
Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2019

We started this blog with our first post on March 22, 2019. Just over five months ago!

In that time, Jeronica and I have made wonderful new connections and deepened existing friendships. We’ve participated in several coffee industry events — Jeronica has even been a latte art judge. We’ve looked at at least a dozen prospective locations, put an offer in on one, couldn’t reach an agreement, got sad, started over, and now we’re currently reviewing a lease for a new place that just might be our spot.

We are so close.

Our plan has always been to open — if even just soft open — by December 31, 2019. We just made the date up, but it felt good to save it. And let me tell you, as we get closer, the challenges are mounting.

Jeronica and I prepared to roll with the punches. Our enthusiasm and resilience has carried us through all of the rejections and mishaps along the way. But this last month has been particularly trying.

For one, we have been in the process of securing an SBA loan for some time now. What this has entailed for us is two separate loan applications, our resumes, a comprehensive business plan, character references, three years of tax returns, month-over-month and annual projections, a 30% equity injection, and nearly $15K in reserves.

With all of that, it’s no wonder aspiring business owners give up! But not us.

Jeronica and I may not have direct ownership experience, but what we do have is commitment and momentum. In the last few months, we have saved and raised more than we thought we could. While we’re still chasing some of this down, we’re proud of the work we’ve done so far. The only thing standing in the way of us opening our own shop is loan approval. I know we can do this!

Being as close as we are, it’s time to kick things into overdrive. Thus, Super September.

This month, we’re pushing ourselves to be more focused and disciplined. A priority for us both is our health — that’s physical and mental. This means moving more and eating less. This also means ridding ourselves of some of the usual distractions like social media and TV. Combined with meditation, reading, praying, and the like, I really think we can create something magical.

Imagine what we could do in a single month of focus, discipline, and mindfulness. I’m hopeful that September will be the month that pushes us past the finish line to securing our loan and getting our space. Nirvana Soul is a big dream, but it’s a possible dream. Now’s the time to really go for it.

Let’s get to it! Happy Super September. :)



Be'Anka Ashaolu
Nirvana Soul

Digital and demand gen marketer, retail and culture enthusiast, current Director of Marketing at a tech startup, and Nirvana Soul owner… on the side.