Everyday Conspiracy

((Hi all! as we move into our final piece on Firewatch, a reminder that you can support No Cartridge at patreon (www.patreon.com/hegelbon), paypal (www.paypal.me/hegelbon) and on twitch (www.twitch.tv/hegelbon). We also will soon be moving to another, singular website, so keep your eyes peeled…

DOOM 2016

((Hey all, links up top:

Patreon: www.patreon.com/hegelbon
Paypal: www.paypal.me/hegelbon (currently working toward RE:7, or whatever you’d like)
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/hegelbon

Owlboy: Part Deux

((Hey! Note up top as always: if you like what you see here, consider donating to the patreon at www.patreon.com/hegelbon or the paypal at www.paypal.me/hegelbon . And if you want to watch me play videogames (sometimes), check out www.twitch.tv/hegelbon . Thanks for all of your support!))


((Hey! Note up top as always: if you like what you see here, consider donating to the patreon at www.patreon.com/hegelbon or the paypal at www.paypal.me/hegelbon . And if you want to watch me play videogames (sometimes), check out www.twitch.tv/hegelbon . Thanks for all of your support!))


( As always, the relevant links are still relevant — www.patreon.com/hegelbon for the patreon and www.twitch.tv/hegelbon for my twitch streams — and now I have a paypal also if you’d like to do a one-time jawn — www.paypal.me/hegelbon . Thank you again for all of your support and here’s to a content-rich…