A Date with Viktor

A passionate romance


Photo by Jackie Tan on Unsplash

We met during the first lockdown
And have been dating for a while now.
It was not love at first sight
his size gave me quite the fright.
But I couldn’t resist his charms
and obviously there is no harm
in giving over to absolute pleasure
and exploring our new endeavour.

He was soft and gentle at first,
I have definitely had worse.
The we got to know each other better
and that’s when things got a little wetter.
Now we can’t keep our hands apart
oh god he is about to start.
This is the best sex I have ever known
Viktor will never be dethroned.
I’m certain he is the one for me
“Do we have an extra battery?”



This Is Not The Endo
No Crime in Rhymin’

A personal blog about living with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.