NCiR’ Pilin’ On

Fake Names And Insurance Claims

Responding to Mark Starlin’s “I Have A Friend Named…

Harper Thorpe
2 min readMay 7, 2020


Don’t laugh. Being a parking lot attendant isn’t all it’s crashed up to be. (Image Source)

What’s a few crashes? Our heroine’s fired.
Poor Carlotta Tendant’s now outta work.
Undaunted, looks for a pro body sculptor
to give sagging prospects and bosoms some perk.

Who’s the best breast guy? I’m calling Faye Slift.
She said his name rhymed with depravity.
His pal does breasts, too, Doctor Dan Gleebitz.
But Faye recommends Andy Gravity.

Ref’rences? Yes. Just ask Kenny Dewitt,
Ima B. Leever
but not Shirley U. Jest.
His place hard to find though, he’s often not there.
Behind Dennis Toffice. He’s really the best.

Candice twins came to help our Carlotta.
“I think we’re lost, Sis,” Candice B. DePlace.
“This is crazy!” says Candice B. Fureal.
Look behind Herbie Hind,” said Justin Case.

Justin? A new helper. Darrell B. Moore.
! No. That looks like Mel Practiss.
Mel’s receptionist is Gladys Eeya.
“Andy’s not here,” says Gladys who’s…



Harper Thorpe
No Crime in Rhymin’

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!