Go to No Prescription Needed
No Prescription Needed
a how-to on life, love, and counting pills
Note from the editor

Life isn’t easy. Your mother definitely didn’t prepare you for all-nighters, 200 brand to generic drug names, and how to not set your apartment on fire. That fact is, no one really prepares you for it. We’ve our entire youth trying to figure out what it is we want to do and for some god forsaken reason, we chose pharmacy school. Instead of shot-gunning beers, we studied for the PCAT. Caffeine replaced hunch punch and weekends were spent counting pills for minimum wage and getting yelled at by the 65 and up population. And for what? To learn how to stick people with needles, to count by 5’s, and to adult without breaking anything. Welcome to No Prescription Needed, your personal guide on how to survive life, love, and pharmacy school.

Go to the profile of Tracy Truong
Tracy Truong
pharmacy student, air force girlfriend, boba enthusiast
Go to the profile of Moonjung Kim
Moonjung Kim
Pharmacy Student, Foodie, Life explorer