Pocket Rabbits with Eileen Webb

Episode 2 of No, You Go is all about TIME: how we make it, how we use it, and how we think about it.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Strong Feelings


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We made it to Episode 2 — and hey, so did you! High five! We’re joined this week by our very first guest, Eileen Webb, who straight-up blew our minds with her take on making time on your own terms. Seriously, it’s 💯. Just listen already.

Why should my work get all of my best brain?
Eileen Webb, founder of Webmeadow

Show notes

(Yep, there’s a full transcript, too!)

First things first: is it time for for lunch yet? We think so (we’ve been thinking about snacks since 10:15). We start out with a segment on reclaiming lunchtime for, well, whatever you want:

  • Jenn tells us how she convinced her coworkers that watching Jeopardy at work is healthy. (We’re totally sold.)
  • Katel sits down for a fancy meal for one.
  • Sara heads out for a midday run, meetings be damned.
Eileen Webb in her *most* natural element.

Next, NYG sits down with web strategist-slash-farmer Eileen Webb for an interview that’s sure to stick with all of us for quite some time. We talk about:

  • How Eileen and her partner went from burnouts in the first dot-com boom to running a bakery to finding their niche doing digital strategy from their home in northern New Hampshire.
  • Why morning meetings don’t work for Eileen’s brain, and how she avoids them.
  • Why Eileen trades the 9-to-5 for a sunrise hike every Tuesday — and never once feels guilty about it.
  • How to stop letting your calendar (and other people’s bullshit requests) run your life.
  • Also, pocket bunnies (no, not those kind).

Follow Eileen on Twitter, or hire her at webmeadow.com.

Also in this episode:

Thanks to our friends The Diaphone for the use of our theme song, Maths, off the album of the same name. ❤

No, You Go is a weekly podcast about being ambitious, building a career that won’t make you miserable, and finding friends who’ll high-five you along the way. Hosted by Jenn Lukas, Katel LeDu, and Sara Wachter-Boettcher. Produced by EDITAUDIO. Made with ❤ in Philadelphia.

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Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Strong Feelings

I help folks in tech and design build sustainable careers and healthy teams. Author @wwnorton @abookapart @rosenfeldmedia. More at www.activevoicehq.com.