Death of Distance

Part II of Christmas Songs.

Michael Murray
Nobody Left Out
2 min readDec 13, 2020


This month, I’m taking a look at the Christmas story through the lens of songs. Songs have a way of revealing truth to me in a way few other art forms can. (That’s why I love musicals so much!) We hear the Christmas story every year, and it can become so familiar to us. But sometimes, hearing one simple lyric can help me experience it in a fresh way.

Last week, I looked at the song “Do You Hear What I Hear?” We were reminded that hope shivers in the wind. This week, we’re looking at a lesser-known song, but one that cuts to the heart of Christmas.

I’m privileged to attend a church where the Worship Pastor, Andy Simonds, is also a talented songwriter. Andy has a way of expressing profound truths in beautiful ways. He wrote a song called “Death of Distance” for a Christmas album recorded by my church. (You can listen to it here. It’s the last song, but the whole album is worth a spin!)

Wisdom wrapped in innocence
Born to be the death of distance
There is here and heaven’s near God with us

I feel like I could end this article with those lyrics and call it a day! But I’ll resist that urge and unpack why I love them so much.

One of my deepest fears is letting God down. Theologically, I know this is impossible. But knowing the right things isn’t always enough. I’m human, and I have emotions, fears, and insecurities.

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Michael Murray
Nobody Left Out

Just a broken, messy guy trying to follow Jesus one shaky step at a time. Get my free 5-day devotional here ➜