Go to Nobody Likes Angry
Nobody Likes Angry
NLA is a place to share personal development stories and sometimes get a little angry.
Note from the editor

NLA is a place to share personal development stories and sometimes get a little angry.

Go to the profile of Sam Ross-Gower
Sam Ross-Gower
Designer, writer, cook, architect, superwoman. I also make films, mostly about food… www.youtube.com/user/samrossgower
Go to the profile of Jason Dea
Jason Dea
Sometime #startup #entrepreneur, passionate about #marketing and #product strategy, a husband and a dad
Go to the profile of Kevin Goldsmith
Kevin Goldsmith
CTO@DistroKid. Former CTO at Anaconda, Onfido and Avvo, VP of Engineering at Spotify, Director at Adobe, and Lead at Microsoft. Photographer, Musician, and Dad.