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Nobody’s Home
Nobody’s Home
An online anthology of creative nonfiction works about the prevailing myths, beliefs, narratives, ideas, experiences, and assumptions that have driven Southern culture over the last fifty years, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
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Reading Alexander Lamis’ “The Two-Party South”

I’ve written previously about how the whole red-state/blue-state paradigm gets on my nerves, and it’s in that spirit (and out of a belief in a more complex understanding) that I’m writing about Alexander P. Lamis’ 1984 book The Two-Party South

Crazy, Wrong Madness

When I read the headline, I laughed out loud: “What is wrong with the South?” After I got through chuckling, I said to myself, “Good question!”

Though I only read it recently, the article appeared in The Atlantic in August 2009, and its primary subject was the fact…