Week 14 : Adding support for AWS DynamoDB

Rajika Imal
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2017

Last week I worked on adding APIs for Google Datastore. This week I’ve added support for AWS DynamoDB. As I’ve pointed out in the last blog post, there are many differenes between Google Datastore and AWS DynamoDB. Nevertheless I’ve managed to add common APIs for both services. I’ve added the following APIs for NodeCloud’s DynamoDB API.

  • Query
  • Create item
  • Delete item
  • Update item

In the future there will be many additions, but most of those wouldn’t be breaking changes. Therefore the current APIs will be stable.

Following is the issue on GitHub issue tracker and it’s respective pull request,

This will be the last API that will be added for NodeCloud in this year’s GSoC. But there will be more additions and changes in the near future. Next week will be the last week in GSoC 2017 and I will mainly focus on documentation and the upcoming tutorial series for NodeCloud. Await for more exciting details !!!

Till next week !



Rajika Imal

💻 Software Engineer 🛠️ Tooling infra 💝 Delightful products https://theruntime.dev