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Thoughts on media innovation
Note from the editor

Thoughts on media innovation

Go to the profile of eduardosuarez
Head of Comms. at @risj_oxford. Co-founder of @politibot. Bylines at @niemanreports @univision @el_pais. @elmundoes alumni. Winner of García Márquez Prize
Go to the profile of María Ramírez
María Ramírez
Reporter, writer. Pritzker fellow @uchicago. Bylines @theatlantic, Letras Libres. Co-founder @politibot. Nieman fellow @Harvard. Fulbrighter @columbiajourn
Go to the profile of #nohacefaltapapel
Ideas de innovación periodística. Lo mejor está por venir. Por @mariaramirezNY y @eduardosuarez