Expanding Syntropy ecosystem with the help of E-Shelter

Mindaugas Rimavičius
2 min readApr 30, 2019


You’ve probably heard about our partner E-shelter in our earlier blog post. While our partnership dates back to October 2018, it’s currently changing its shape as Syntropy expands its ecosystem by building a Software Defined Network (SDN) supported by Segment Routing and IPv6.

As you may already know, E-shelter is a world renown carrier-neutral supplier of data center services, providing highly secure environments for housing and connectivity of IT and network systems. The company is a member of the NTT Communications Group of companies whose network connections span over 190 countries and regions around the world. That’s why, as a client, you can choose your carrier, peering or cloud partners with a great choice of connectivity providers that allows you to compare offers and optimize costs while increasing performance.

How E-shelter helps Syntropy expand its ecosystem

When our partnership first began, E-shelter facilitated various clusters of both privately and publicly connected nodes for Syntropy, needed for development as well as performance and reliability testing. They were also aiding us in the formation of the first private CDN Network. The partnership revolved around data centers, network clusters for testing, running private networks and ensuring SLA in public networks.

Now that Syntropy is expanding its ecosystem by building Programmable Internet, starting with a Segment Routing and IPv6 powered SDN, E-shelter partnership offers new strengths and opportunities to our relationship.

As the ability to host our bare infrastructure with 24/7 technical support at E-Shelter’s Innovation Lab remains one of the most important benefits, there are also many others. Working with select partners, E-shelter will provide Syntropy with an opportunity to apply dedicated hardware connected to best internet exchanges (BCIX, DE-CIX, ECIX, SwissIX, VIX) which allows us to reach more than 700+ networks all around the world, as well as grant access to global transit providers. A rich carrier-mix from a global Tier 1 list of suppliers will help us provide the best possible routes for our backbone clients to ensure maximum network performance for their services. What is more, we’ll be able to join E-Shelter’s client and partner network, including financial services, media and internet companies, to further expand our operations.

