What is NOIA Network?

Domantas Jaskunas
5 min readFeb 11, 2020


Due to our growing base of supporters, we want to go deeper into the evolution of our work. The What is NOIA Network? series will help you better understand the project and where it’s headed.

We’ll begin with an introduction to the challenges that businesses and individuals face today when it comes to internet security and reliability. Then we’ll cover how NOIA Network is positioned to overcome these issues.

The internet is deeply flawed

From the beginning, very little attention was paid to the framework and structure of the internet. Adoption was rapid, and scaling was a patchwork process.

This chaotic expansion resulted in a tangle of cables spread across the globe, causing disruptive inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Security flaws were embedded into the system, causing billions in financial losses.

IHS estimates that $100+ billion per year is lost due to internet downtime in U.S. alone.

The internet infrastructure we have today is insecure and inefficient. That’s not surprising considering the way we structure the internet has barely evolved over the last 20 years.

We can choose the future

The current internet infrastructure increasingly fails to meet the needs of businesses and individuals. Businesses are spending billions of dollars every year to overcome inefficiencies that are built-into the current system. Meanwhile, the VPN market has proliferated to address consumer concerns over privacy.

Several organizations are working to address these unmet needs. The biggest players are powerful Big Tech companies like Google and Cloudflare.

These firms are building complex private networks that only large enterprises can afford. This shuts out smaller companies and the vast majority of individuals from enjoying a safer and faster internet. Even large businesses that can afford these solutions must pay dearly for the privilege.

The VPN, SDN, and Private Cloud, markets will reach a combined $175 billion by 2022.

NOIA is using a radically different approach that can reduce costs and improve speed and reliability for all internet users. NOIA Network eliminates structural design flaws that prevent everyone from having a secure, private, and fast internet connection.

There will be a future where the internet is efficient, reliable, and encrypted by default. Whether or not that future is available to everyone is up to us.

Our team has spent nearly two years developing the NOIA Network technology. Our developers have spent a combined 16 man-years to get us to this point.

Where we are today

There are two components to the NOIA Network:

  • The Network — The highway for your traffic.
  • Routing Technology (SDN) — Runs on top of the network and governs the rules within it.

The Network provides the highway infrastructure and the SDN provides the intelligence element. In combination, you get a system that takes your request (or traffic) from point A and zaps it straight to Point B via the most efficient path possible.

But in order to ride on the network, you first need to access it.

Regular Internet users

Much like a VPN, everyday users can use the NOIA Network on any device that connects to the internet. A single click enables the connection and grants access to get on the NOIA Network “highway.”

Unlike your current connection, the NOIA “highway” is a fully-encrypted network that automatically routes traffic along the lowest latency path.

Our technology can speed up your internet connection more than tenfold, removing any performance-reducing bottlenecks, while significantly improving its security, privacy, and reliability. Unlike the private networks that are being developed by Big Tech, the NOIA Network operates right on top of the public internet, with support from a globally dispersed network of data centers and community-run nodes.

We will be releasing the NOIA Network application in stages. The initial release will go out to a select group of community members who will help us test and collect performance metrics from around the world. We will then use this data to improve the network as needed.

The performance of the NOIA Network directly depends on the size of the network, so we’re taking early steps to scale the network before releasing it to the general public. This will ensure maximum performance and adoption from day one.

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NOIA application: how does it work?


Targeting businesses is a critical way for NOIA Network to gain critical scale upon launch. That’s why we are developing a web-based platform for businesses to access and integrate with the network.

NOIA’s Network-as-a-Service platform can be implemented almost instantly. It comes with a frictionless self-service onboarding process, automatic deployment through a user-friendly interface, and is coupled with analytics, monitoring, and management tools.

Enterprises always move from the public Internet to private, secure networks.

Use cases vary from enabling Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) global scalability to large enterprises with private networks. It can be utilized by a wide range of industries such as telecom, 5G, IoT, SD-WAN, and VPN.

By targeting both businesses and individuals, we can scale the NOIA Network as quickly as possible while ensuring maximum performance.

Read our follow-up post: What is the Product Launch Strategy?


We want to hear from you. Please reach out to us with your questions and suggestions. Our community managers are waiting for you on Telegram.

