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Analysing the non-fungible token markets, crypto-gaming ecosystem and blockchain marketplaces. Reviewing games, analysing datas, explaining the upcoming revolution.
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The new NonFungible.com is here!

NonFungible.com was born in March 2018. Less than a year later, the website has a brand new look and…

Axie Infinity: Pokemon on the Blockchain?

Recently, we had the chance to test the beta version of Axie Infinity, and it was an amazing experience!! The concept of the game is very simple: buy small creatures called Axies, train them and send them as a team in the arena to fight an opponent.

NonFungible.com’s Growth Since Inception

Since NonFungible.com’s inception, the platform has been growing rapidly and changing every day. Our goal of creating an NFT marketplace that crypto beginners can understand has morphed into creating an all encompassing future CoinMarketCap of non-fungible