Go to Nonprofit Voices
Nonprofit Voices
This publication is for anyone who is interested in learning more about Nonprofit organizations, volunteerism, and ways to give back.
Note from the editor

This publication is for anyone who is interested in learning more about Nonprofit organizations, volunteerism, and ways to give back.

Go to the profile of Dania Toscano Miwa
Dania Toscano Miwa
A Professional Growth Coach for Women. Mom of two daughters. Artist. Lifelong Learner.
Go to the profile of Sarah Willey
Sarah Willey
Consultant, writer, business scholar. Nonprofit nerd; passionate about relationship-building and community. sarah@sarahwilleyllc.com
Go to the profile of Dania Toscano Miwa
Dania Toscano Miwa
A Professional Growth Coach for Women. Mom of two daughters. Artist. Lifelong Learner.
Go to the profile of Sarah Willey
Sarah Willey
Consultant, writer, business scholar. Nonprofit nerd; passionate about relationship-building and community. sarah@sarahwilleyllc.com
Go to the profile of Jim Toscano
Jim Toscano
Principal at Toscano Advisors, specializing in nonprofit organizational consulting. Jim has spent 55 years in nonprofits, 37 as a CEO.
Go to the profile of Elizabeth F Quilter, CFRE
Go to the profile of Francesca Tracey