šŸŽ“ 2019 Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Certification Exam

Noob Learning
Published in
4 min readAug 23, 2019

Thatā€™s pretty intense exams! (ā€¢Ģ€į“—ā€¢Ģ)Łˆ I thought I wouldnā€™t pass but it turns out well so if I can do it you can do it too! Letā€™s start!

look ma! a designer got an engineer certificate!

1. Register


Try to get the voucher by complete the challenge which is just 2 Qwick labs! For me I got $120 voucher which save me a lot from a fear to lose money and get nothing. šŸ˜†

I ā¤ļøvoucher

2. Practise everyday

Hereā€™s a list that you canā€™t skip reading, and you should keep revisit them as much as possible.

  1. Professional Data Engineer Certification exam guide
  2. Data Engineering on GCP
  3. Qwiklabs Baseline: Data, ML, AI
  4. Qwiklabs Data Engineering
  5. Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Exam
  6. Partner Certification Kickstart
  7. Live Q&A office hours #1
  8. Live Q&A office hours #2
  9. Practice Exam
  10. Google Machine Learning Crash Course

3. Learn from others

Many of them are a bit outdated but still worth reading

4. Make your own cheat sheet

I did my own brain dump version via draw.io and it help a lot

02-Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform
03-Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow
04-Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on Google Cloud Platform
05-Building Resilient Streaming Systems on Google Cloud Platform


  1. Thereā€™s no shortcut! Iā€™m not a genius in any way. I just keep trying again and again (I actually had a dream to become a designer!)
  2. Donā€™t underestimate your brain. Iā€™m 39 years old and itā€™s still function.
  3. English is a door to knowledge. Iā€™m not a native speaker but I keep practicing every day so donā€™t give up especially if you were born with the English language.
  4. I just learn Machine Learning start from JAN (along with running startup) so even they recommend experienced 3 or more years in Data Engineer field, I would say self-learner and inexperienced like me still can nailed it! So you will!
  5. The questions is more like Practice Exam but 3x harder + 4x complexity. no coding, no labs just multiple choices to click through.

Fun facts

Thereā€™s only Professional Data Engineer 10 in Thailand which is seem to not accurate. At least 2 of my known friends didnā€™t list there.



The exam just get updated so other blog I read is somehow outdated already I would recommend this one for your preparation.

Good luck!

UPDATE 2020 : Data Engineering Learning Path now include Data Fusion and Cloud Composer. More labs on advanced BigQuery, BigQuery ML, and Bigtable streaming

