How Nori Protects Landowners

Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2021
Nori is a carbon removal marketplace on a mission to reverse climate change.

Last week, we described how Nori guarantees soil carbon persistence. This week, we’re providing a closer look at how Nori protects the landowners and farmers in our marketplace.

When you care about something, you take steps to protect it. At Nori, we believe creating a better future means not only caring about the well-being of the land being farmed, but the people who own and farm it. As a result, we’ve taken extra steps to protect the landowners and farmers in our marketplace.

Landowners in Nori’s marketplace agree to an assignment of authority. By signing an assignment of authority, the landowner transfers control to a Primary Contact, who is responsible for the upkeep of land management records. The agreement ensures that deals aren’t occurring without the landowner’s consent. Additionally, because a third party must verify that a parcel of land hasn’t been listed in any other registries, Nori has the legal certainty that land enrolled in our marketplace will not be double-counted.

Only the Primary Contact is responsible for removing and sequestering carbon for a minimum of ten years. No financial obligation is placed upon landowners for entering Nori’s marketplace.

Verified land management records and verification of regenerative agriculture practices provide landowners with an asset that will increase in value over time. Verified land records may also provide landowners with value in other ecosystem markets outside of carbon as those markets continue to develop.

Enrollment in our marketplace also provides landowners with multiple environmental benefits including, retention of topsoil, increased drought tolerance, increased biodiversity, and more resilient soil health.

Under our assignment of authority, farmers benefit from the perks of implementing regenerative agriculture practices. As a farmer-forward company, we want to provide recognition and value to the people who are doing the work of removing carbon. We also want to provide a long-term benefit to the land itself, beyond just issuing carbon credits to farmers. By protecting both farmers and landowners in our marketplace, we hope to engender sustainable practices and good land stewardship, which we know provides a whole host of ecosystem services and profitability.

Suppliers in our marketplace are the individuals who work to remove carbon, and they are presented with multiple ways to diversify their assets, including regulating their cash flow by using our NORI tokens.

Nori doesn’t hold landowners and Suppliers accountable for unforeseen and unavoidable reversals in soil carbon permanence. Examples of such events include national public health emergencies, earthquakes, droughts, flooding or other acts of God.

Our goal is to provide a fair and equitable marketplace for all parties involved, while being transparent and upfront with our stakeholders.

We recognize that landowners and farmers have diverse relationships with their land. Whether we are serving farmers who rent their land, farmers who have an informal agreement with friends or family, or multi-generational farmers, we aim to benefit all kinds of farmers.

Nori is a blockchain-based carbon removal marketplace on a mission to reverse climate change. If you’d like to purchase carbon removals, visit If you’d like to partner with Nori, reach out to



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Nori is a fully-integrated issuing program, registry, and marketplace.