New nOS Client — Major Improvements, Token Balances, Fixes Token Sale issues

Some users were having issues contributing to the nOS token sale using NEO. This update will improve your Token Sale experience, and also display your NOS in your Account tab.

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
2 min readOct 30, 2018


Click here for details on how to join the nOS Token Sale.

You may have been experiencing network issues when trying to participate in our Token Sale (such as a disabled “Contribute with NEO” button, “Error -2”, or a “NEO Network issues” warning).

We just released the new nOS Client with major networking improvements. You’re also able to see your NOS in your Account tab.

Download nOS Client

Download the latest nOS Client here.

0.4.5 Changenotes

  • Added ability to perform multiple test invokes in nOS API.
  • Updated token balance fetches to reduce number of RPC requests.
  • Updated block polling frequency to reduce number of RPC requests.
  • Updated account holdings to sort tokens.
  • Updated account holdings to localize token amounts.
  • Fixed NEO RPC node selection when calculating block height.
  • Fixed primary holding icon positioning in account breakdown chart.

Token Sale Details

