The Test of HONOR

Henry Sugar
Published in
5 min readJun 10, 2023

tl;dr HonorAlpha. HonorLocker. HonorDrop.

When we created this project, we were a few Frens inspireD BI another community, the concept of Honor, and naturally by Stallone, who’s always been the best source of inspiration.

Honor stood out as a concept of high importance in that community so we believed it was time to make a derivative token and run the concept to its limits.
How much Honor can be gathered by holders and what would it do to the price? A experiment in decentralisation. Another one. But we didn’t realise we would get tested so quickly.

There is nothing crypto needs now more that Honor.

V1 suffered a major setback, and V2 (which made V1 holders whole and then some — honorably) was launched with standard uniswap v3 parameters. The V1 holder sell pressure and a few large “dumps” of not so honorable holders, pushed the price under the liquidity range.

The LP is still there, the price just needs to be bid up to get in range again.
A seemingly simple task but getting in range is not the issue, staying in range and getting back on track with the superb V2 launch dynamics that we had, is the objective. This is why I’ll share my vision to the community and propose ways we can move forward and prove everybody that count us out wrong!

  • It is worth noting that the distribution is healthy: OGs, twitterati, and honorable chads who are “/still_here” and devving.
  • Also, as can be seen on-chain, the dev has sold 0 tokens. In fact, he has pledged all deployer tokens towards the HonorLocker and HonorDrops.
  • The community remains strong and honorable. Few.

This is the real test of honor. And to see if really “we r all teh dev”.

Before I begin, do you remember a good Stallone movie (or any movies) that had a good start and cruised through to a good ending, without any setbacks or twists?

No, because stories need friction, they need to put the hero in a challenging spot, offering heroes or enemies the opportunity to change, evolve, ascend and that only happens during hardship and challenges.

We got our set back, does the story end here, or has the good part of the story just started? Did you think this Honor thing was purely a meme? Will you remain honorable in hard times, as much as in easy times? Will you commit to yourself to live this token as an experience first, and a capitalistic opportunity second?

This is a real test, a community that comes out of this challenge stronger, will be a force to be reckoned with. The kind of community that shares alpha on a shabby looking dog coin trying to “Kill Doge” before a bull run and gets its members to become legendary whales…

Preview of HonorDrop

It’s time for the come back. The strategy is simple.

1- We must restore confidence of existing holders and keep attracting new holders.
2- We must design strict moononomics for the token
3- We must let people who want to go go, and solidify the community of those who want to stay.

To achieve all 3 pillars of this strategy, we propose:

  • A revised HonorDrop with a redemption arc, which now will trigger at 3M, 10M and 100M, instead of 10m 33m and 100M.
    It’s a significant airdrop. The 100M airdrop will be worth 1 million dollars. Holders who buy between NOW and the 3M marketcap being hit will quality for the 1st HonorDrop, EVEN IF they sold tokens prior. This is the redemption Arc. If you come back to the battle, you never really left.
  • The HonorLocker: A staking dapp which will drip honor to those who lock their tokens and show the ultimate confidence in the project and its community.
  • The HonorAlpha: An exclusive alpha group with legendary whales, influencers, and community members so you don’t ever need to even sell one token to make it. Like a DAO with good Karma if you will. Some holders may share how they managed to hold their SHIB for so long. Who knows?
    To access the HonorAlpha you’ll need to hold Honor. It’ll be exclusive. It won’t be cheap by design. Our members will share only the most elite alpha they have, knowing that that alpha wont be sniped, botted, or jeeted by the other fellow honorable members.
The HonorLocker: where dreams are made, and Honor is Staked

The 3 deliveries above will naturally squeeze supply, whilst providing an incentive to hold, burn, not sell, and create volume with the airdrops.
More importantly, this is all about honor. If you have honor, you should be rewarded. This token will fulfill its basic premise and push the experiment to its failure or to its success.

Bring your most honorable frens. And let’s do this.
We are all devs. This is the kind of test and hardship that you face as a group that make navy seals stick together for life (I may be exaggerating a little here but you get it…)

This isn’t a test, this is actually the real beginning of this project.
This community will either fail honorably or become legendary.
It is all in OUR hands.
We r the dev.

~ written by a few devs pursuing honor

