How About A Little Casual Cruelty?

Is this how you speak to yourself?


  • observing body parts and finding them gross
  • catching yourself in the mirror and wishing you weren’t unattractive
  • inspecting other people and judging yourself as lacking
  • repeating word for word unkind things said to you

It seems obvious that if you said these things to someone else, the effect would be hugely wounding. Yet, somehow, it’s perfectly acceptable inside the confines of our own minds.

Well, it isn’t.

Here’s the thing, losing weight doesn’t fix detrimental self-talk, and it’s very difficult to lose the weight for good while employing it.

Sit with that for a moment.

We’ve been inundated with the opposite message for so long, no one questions it. If you lose weight (by any insane means necessary), you’ll now be ‘attractive’ and all the problems will be solved.

The mean thoughts will dissolve and you can walk into your bright, shiny future unencumbered by self-loathing.

Not exactly.

If you are embarking on change without addressing self-talk, it won’t get much traction. Self-worth isn’t based on being large or small, it’s based on your integrity and honoring yourself.

There are tools to help you rewire your neural pathways while gently helping you face the scale, your disordered…

