How To Avoid Buying Another Pointless Diet

Simple solutions to complex problems don’t work.


That Tiny Hands font inspires great writing.

Gird your loins, my friends. It’s almost that time of year when everyone from chiropractors to mouthwash purveyors tries to sell you their weight loss plans.

Whatever’s gone wrong is about to be rectified if you are willing to buy in not only with money but with a near evangelical zeal. That last part is necessary because without magical thinking you might see they are peddling nonsense.

If you want to engage in real self-improvement for 2020, don’t diet. I’m unequivocal about this. I think diets hurt our bodies and confidence, two things you need for a happy life.

Diets can cause metabolic damage, lead to disordered eating, hurt our self-esteem, and deplete our cognitive abilities.

I lost weight precisely because I gave up on diets. They disabled my ability to think for myself and caused suffering when one after another, I couldn’t adhere to their plans.

I’m a passionate advocate of abandoning diets. I can tell you first-hand, it’s not the path to health. I don’t care how slick the marketing looks, it’s a lie.

