Robert D Skeels rdsathene
Not Me, Us
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2016


Hillary Rodham Clinton

Will white bourgeois “feminists” fight Clinton’s wars?

One wonders if any of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (HRC) most ardent supporters — her fellow white bourgeois “feminists” — will be willing to fight in HRC’s wars? Amanda Marcotte, Courtney Enlow, Cindy Casares, Mirah Curzer, Laura Silverman, and many more have been on the forefront of demanding that the bloodthirsty HRC be crowned commander in chief. Will they volunteer to serve in a HRC commanded imperial military, or will they continue to leave that task to impoverished brown people? The latter. Instead, those white bourgeois “feminists” will be leaning-in to formulate Liberal apologetics for each and every right-wing policy HRC implements.

White bourgeois “feminists” are unlike HRC’s innumerable victims in Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Syria, and the rest of the global south that live in terror that Clinton will once more be able to command tons of ordinance be dropped on their families. Outside of this small group of women benefiting from white supremacy and capitalism, are those that have a different perspective than the callous “I’m with her” crowd.

“I wish I could be a privileged white American woman so I wouldn’t have to worry about Clinton’s bombs raining down on my people.”

When do Clinton’s victims get their “All-Caps Explosion of Feelings Regarding Clinton’s murderous foreign policies”? They don’t. Because that’s a privilege reserved for white bourgeois “feminists” alone. Intersectional feminists need not apply, you’ll upset the lean-in crowd with your discussion of oppression. Neoliberalism and imperialism are diametrically opposed to intersectionality. This is why authentic feminists like Professor bell hooks say: “I can no longer be a Hillary Clinton supporter!”

In Hillary Rodham Clinton we have an individual so bellicose, so prone to fetishizing violence, and so willing to mete out death and destruction, that they’ve garnered the endorsement of some of the world’s most notorious war criminals. Clinton is supported by Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, and John Negroponte, butchers all. In a just world HRC and the three of them would be frog-marched in shackles to the dock at The Hague.

The prescient Jeanette Jing has outlined the Top 10 reasons the Clintons will start a war next year. Her compelling piece reminds us that we are on the brink of catastrophe and need to vote accordingly. Hillary Rodham Clinton, like her supposed opposition Donald Trump, is an existential threat to the world. There is a woman running for President that is not dead set on continuing the U.S. policy of perpetual war—her name is Dr. Jill Stein. I am a veteran member of Veterans for Peace (VFP). VFP’s abbreviated mission statement is “dedicated to the abolishment of war.” That’s something we all need to be working towards.



Robert D Skeels rdsathene
Not Me, Us

Social liberation writer, attorney, public education advocate, immigrant rights activist, and law professor. USN ESWS ‘85, UCLA BA ’14, PCL JD ’18 💛🐻💙ゆるゆり 友