Go to Notation
A first-check venture firm in Brooklyn, NY
Note from the editor

A first-check venture firm in Brooklyn, NY

Go to the profile of Alex Lines
Alex Lines
ere the hour of the twattering of bards in the twitterlitter | partner @NotationCapital
Go to the profile of Nicholas Chirls
Nicholas Chirls
Partner at @notationcapital. Previously Head of Seed Investments at @betaworks. Brooklyn born and based, I don’t get out of the neighborhood much :-/
Go to the profile of Notation
A first-check venture firm in Brooklyn, NY
Go to the profile of Jake Levine
Jake Levine
Product @facebook / @oculus. Past: PM @square, founder & CEO @electricobjects, GM @digg and @betaworks. Fascinated by what humans do with the internet.
Go to the profile of Katherine Wu
Katherine Wu
investor at notation.vc 💬 other writings at katherinewu.me in my free time.
Go to the profile of Katherine Wu
Katherine Wu
investor at notation.vc 💬 other writings at katherinewu.me in my free time.