Han Hyo-joo is talented, beautiful, elegant, and miserable in “Love, Lies” (2016)

This Korean drama movie is a sad, painful, sorrowful, and tragic love story. The worst love triangle ever!

(Read this review free: click here.)

I usually watch K-drama TV series. But I found a Korean drama movie to watch called “Love, Lies” (2016).

WARNING!! DO NOT watch this movie if you don’t want to be bummed out!

I got addicted to Korean drama 5+ years ago. So I know K-dramas always have a love triangle. It’s expected. However, this is the saddest, most painful, most sorrowful, and most tragic love triangle I have ever seen IN MY LIFE! (And I have watched a lot of sad love stories over the years.)

The story takes place in Seoul, the 1940s, during the Japanese occupation of Korea (or Joseon).


  • Two young Korean girls ~ Jung So-yul (played by Han Hyo-joo), and Seo Yeon-hee (played by Chun Woo-hee) ~ who have beautiful voices were raised to be “artists”. (That’s what they were told. One of them found out later that they were just beautified to be “artful prostitutes” for the Japanese men.)
  • One young Korean man ~ Kim Yoon-woo



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
❤️ Nothing But Love For Korean Drama

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