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Nova Platform
Nova Platform
¿Cómo hago para que Nova funcione en mi sitio?
¿Cómo hago para que Nova funcione en mi sitio?
Para que Nova pueda comenzar a registrar información desde tu sitio web es necesario que instales el Código de Rastreo (Tracking Code)…
Nova Platform
May 13, 2020
How do I get Nova up and running on my site?
How do I get Nova up and running on my site?
For Nova to start tracking information from your website, you need to install a Tracking Code. This is the communication channel that Nova…
Nova Platform
May 13, 2020
How is it that machines actually learn
How is it that machines actually learn
In this post I talk about learning process in machines. So, if you want to understand how a machine learns you're in the right place…
Normando Zubia
May 22, 2019
Artificial Intelligence 101
Artificial Intelligence 101
Post focused on giving an introduction to this discipline, so if you’re interested in learning about this area you're in the right place…
Normando Zubia
May 14, 2019
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