NovaX Yearly Recap

3 min readDec 19, 2021


Novax is launched on September 7. In this article, we will walk through the milestone we achieved during 2021 Q4.

What did we deliver in 2021 Q4?

We are very happy to announce that we did deliver all the features we promised to our users. And we did deliver all of them within 3 months, again as promised.

  • We launched the NovaX game on September 7.
  • Players are able to mint and own their planet NFTs.
  • Players are able to construct buildings on their planets. Each building has different features.
  • Users are able to harvest resources from solar plant, metal mine, crystal laboratory buildings. These resources are actual ERC-21 tokens where users can withdraw to their wallets and trade on DEXs. So by owning a NovaX planets users can earn resources (ERC-21 tokens) where they can trade for AVAX on a DEX.
  • We did partner with a DEX (Baguette) and provide liquidity to it so that players are able to trade these resource tokens easily.
  • We introduced the troop system. Players are able to construct academy and factory buildings on their planets and produce soldiers and spaceships.
  • We introduced the PvE system. Players can participate in daily missions and weekly boss fights with their troops.
  • We introduced the loot system. Players can earn loot items from mission and boss fights. Players can use these loots to perform researches.
  • We introduced the unlock system. Players can construct a research center, and use the loots they earned from PvE content to unlock new features in the game. For example, players can perform research that unlocks a new type of troop item.
  • Last week we introduced the PvP system. Players are able to attack each other with their troops to earn resources from enemies.

All of these features are developed completely on-chain smart contracts. We don’t have any off-chain logic. All our contracts are publicly verified. We built our system as completely trustless.

We also developed NovaX in a way that, players have complete ownership of every asset in the game. Resources are ERC-21 tokens. Planets, Troops, Loots are ERC-721 NFTs. All the data is stored on smart contracts on the Avalanche c-chain.

We did complete all the items we promised in 2021 Q4. You can check it out on our roadmap

Sale stats

Novax planets have 1,199 active holders at the moment and NovaX planets achieved 6395 AVAX total sales volume with an average 3.16 sale price. We are one of the top 10 NFT projects in terms of these stats.

PvP Recap

Since this is the first article after our PvP launch, we want to publish the stats about it.

There are 150 completed PvP battles so far. There isn’t any major bug reported so far.

For example in the battle result example below, the attacker lost 384 Attack power worth troop units in the battle. But he earned 192600 solar energy, 385200 metal, 19260 crystal resources from the enemy.

Players are able to earn resources by attacking enemies. Since battles are consuming troop units, it also creates a disinflationary effect on troop nfts.

Please check our previous articles about PvP mechanics if you want to know more about it.


Thanks all for reading, we are very excited for 2022. We will continue to develop and improve NovaX as much as we can. We will always keep you updated with every development we do. Thank you very much for your support.

