PvP Launch Guide

2 min readDec 12, 2021


On December 12 22:00 UTC, we will be introducing our second big update on NovaX. With this update, we are introducing the PvP system where players can attack other planets with their troops.

We did talk about the details of the PvP system in previous articles. We suggest you read it first if you haven’t already.

In this article, we will talk about the steps you need to do once PvP is live.

Step1: Build a warzone on your planet.

Warzone is a building you can construct for free. You won’t need to spend any resources on this process.

Step2: Place troops in the warzone.

On your planet detail page, you will see a new section called warzone. At first, you will see your warzone’s attack power and resources as zero. Because you didn’t place any troops yet.

When you are placing a troop, in this process it will also consume resource tokens.

Resource needed to place 1 Attack Power on your defense is:
100 XSLR, 200 XMTL, 10 XCRS.

So for example if you want to place 2 space soldiers in the warzone:
2 space soldiers = 100 Attack Power
Resources needed: 10,000 XSLR 20,000 XMTL 1,000 XCRS

Another important thing is: placing a troop is a one-way operation. So once you place the troop unit, you can’t get it back and use it on a mission, etc. It will stay as a defense unit in your warzone.

Step3: Find a planet to attack and attack!

On the top menu, you can navigate to Action->PVP page. It will lead you to https://novaxgame.com/warLeaderboard.html

On this page, you will see the complete list of planets that has a warzone on them which makes them attackable. You will be able to see the attack power and resources on each planet. You can click the planet you want to attack and perform an attack on it.


That’s it, good luck with your space battles.

If you run into any bug or issue please use the form below. Our dev team will respond to you as soon as possible.

