Go to Novel(ist) in Progress
Novel(ist) in Progress
First person account documenting my experiences as a first time novelist and the lessons I learn along the way, from first idea to published work. I also invite all first-time novelists to submit their stories. What have you done so far? What have you learned?
Note from the editor

First person account documenting my experiences as a first time novelist and the lessons I learn along the way, from first idea to published work. I also invite all first-time novelists to submit their stories. What have you done so far? What have you learned?

Go to the profile of Janelle Annemarie Heideman
Janelle Annemarie Heideman
Educator, writer, LGBTQ+ advocate, avid reader. Novelist in progress. Website: http://janelleswritemind.com/ Empowering the LGBTQ+ community one word at a time.