Mind The (digital signage) Gap

Nir Doron
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2019

Mind the gap, the famous London ‘Tube’ slogan repeats itself, every few minutes. This simple warning can be applied to so many things in life. For me personally — the gap in expectations, is one of the most annoying. It is the cause for the strongest frustrations.

There are numerous examples for this kind of gap, with your relationships, when you purchase something. I would like to focus in this blog post on the technological gap, mainly in a domain I have fairly good experience with — Digital Signage.

London Underground — where is that gap?

We, at NoviSign, keep stating how simple is our software, how easy it is to use and the fact the implementation is not complicated. Well… We are not misleading — the digital signage software and the CMS are indeed simple and easy-to-use!

So, where is the Gap we should mind?

The answer is simple — the signage software is only one component from implementing full digital signage solution. The gap is to make sure there is a strong and stable network (WiFi or 4G), how/where to mount the screen? Which size? Let’s agree CMS is easy, still — which signage player to use? Who will build the content? Who will make sure it is updated and relevant?

See now? This is the gap! especially for SMB (small medium business) with limited to non-organic IT team. This is a clear explanation why we still see millions of SMBs dragging behind in implementing digital signage. The software is indeed a crucial part, but it is still touched with technological and operational gap.

The good news is that the solution is there! My best advice, if the gap bothers you, and you do not have the required IT capabilities in-house, instead of approaching a digital signage software provider, you should look for integrator that can use NoviSign’s platform to advice, install, implement, train and even manage your signage network!

Mind the (digital signage) gap — use the right solution provider!


