
In the late 1960s, the U.S. Forest Service dumped Agent Orange on the Pinal Mountains south of Globe, Arizona. The Forest Service said it was to kill undergrowth of brush to cause more rainwater to run off into the valleys and town below. But with the water runoff came the contaminating chemical, Agent Orange, which was also deployed in the Vietnam war. Arizona residents with farms in the canyons below began to suffer many serious health problems, while their farm animals and pets had cancer, were stillborn, or had died. Fortunately, God had seen their needs when He sent His spiritual messengers to Globe with the brightest light in the heavens that passed over Earth March 25, 1970 and a man named Ray’s death was passed over. Ray Elkins had just passed on when he was given a gift and a choice to return back to his body by “one with more love in his eyes than anyone I’ve ever seen.” If he chose to return to his life, Ray was asked to give this gift in the same manner of love it had been given to him, freely, asking nothing in return. (You can read about this in “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone” and “We give this message from our Father.”) Ray didn’t know what the gift was. He only remembered the love he had seen in those eyes, and knew he could trust this one as he had trusted no one. This gift, of God’s spiritual messengers, began to speak through Ray prophetically on April 3, 1970. One afflicted Globe family was told by a relative about this man and his gift. Because doctors couldn’t help them or their seriously ill children, they went to see Ray in Globe, hoping God would see their needs and somehow provide an answer to their prayers for healing. And He did. As we hear in 2023 about toxic chemicals spread upon the land, in the air and water by train wrecks, what people experienced in the 1970s is being shared with you, to add to understanding and to bring hope.

There’s more than one kind of disaster that can be brought on by man.

On February 3, 2023, at 8:55 p.m. EST, 38 of 150 cars of a Norfolk Southern freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, United States. Several railcars carrying vinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride, and other toxins were intentionally burned. The fire continued for more than two days. It is said when vinyl chloride burns, hydrochloric acid, and dioxin––one of the most toxic chemicals known––was released in the plume of thick black smoke to drift over Ohio and Pennsylvania farm country, including Amish farmland, and further east. Odd, fizzing or oil-slick-like chemicals ran into streams and tributaries the flow into the Ohio river. Birds hanging from telephone lines, farm animals and wildlife, and fish in streams died by the thousands. People developed coughs and burning eyes––with their futures unknown from this exposure.

Dioxin is also part of Agent Orange.

A lesson might be learned from the late 1960s, when the U.S. Forest Service dumped Agent Orange, a chemical used in Vietnam for defoliation, onto the Pinal Mountains around Globe, Arizona. The Agent Orange did more than just kill the undergrowth on the mountainsides to cause more water to run off into the valley; it contaminated the streams, ponds and rural wells, even the city water supply. It caused tumors, cancers, arthritis, birth defects, strange illnesses, sterility, and more. Farm animals died; young were born with abnormalities and uncommon illnesses. Many of the residents and their children in the valley below Pinal mountain also encountered these serious health problems.

One couple, desperate to find help for their children, themselves and their animals, heard about a man named Ray Elkins who also lived in Globe; he might be able to help. They were told he gave health readings, much like the famous American “sleeping prophet” of the early 20th century, Edgar Cayce. So they went to see him in hopes that he could help them recover their health. It was a good choice. Though doctors could do nothing to help them, he did when the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke through him.

Agent Orange that the U.S. Forest Service sprayed on the mountain ran downhill into Six-shooter canyon near Globe, Arizona. The clouds carried the rain that fell, washing it into streams, ponds, wells and contaminating the underground water supply.

Here’s what the spiritual messengers of God said to them about the Agent Orange exposure as the contaminated water ran off the mountain onto their farms, and possibly even into the city’s drinking water:

April 11, 1970: I see that thy group should change the water that thy drink, and drink of distilled water. There is a strong acid content to this water, also another foreign chemical called “salicyscope” which has contaminated the water of this area. If this chemical is not used again for eight months, the water shall have a chance to cleanse itself, and then it will be good again, except for the acid content. Therefore, the purchasing of water from another area, which has been, then been distilled, would be good. Do not distill the water from here because you have not the means of cleansing it, and it would be too costly.

The U.S. Forest Service sprayed “Agent Orange,” which had recently been used in the Vietnam war to defoliate forests, on mountainsides near Globe, Arizona, to increase water runoff. Later it was found to cause cancer and birth defects. Aka may have been speaking of “Agent Orange” in the drinking water, or of another chemical that seeped into the ground water from local copper mining.

Now, you have other questions which I shall answer, if I am given permission.

“Yes, I — I have become interested in the last few days in distilling this water. Do you mean that we could not get the chemical out by distillation?”

No, not unless thy run it through carbon filters after the distillation.

“Thank you very much.”

The carbon filters must come, could come, from the carbon which can be extracted from what thy call thy “mesquita.”


Yes. If, by burning at one — no, at 560 degrees Fahrenheit, and then re-burning at the same temperature, three times, then using the carbon extracted from this as filter, after the water has been distilled, then it could be made purified.

A kiln for making charcoal

“Where should we buy water from?”

The water which comes from the Safford area is fair, but not good because it has a large sulfur content, a sulfuric acid content.

Near Safford, Arizona

“How about Wilcox?”

Wilcox has — and shall come to pass — the chemicals of [oil] leaking into its water; therefore, it is not too good.

View of Dos Cabezas peaks from downtown Willcox. Photo by Turaliigo — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=82818575

But yet, in the San Simon Valley at — at the Shainty place.

San Simon Valley in Arizona by BAlvarius — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11350950


It is known as the Shanty place, and it is an artesian well which flows.

What other question?

“What about the purified water such as ‘Cascade’ or — “ [Rod turns to ask Ray’s wife, Margaret, “What other purified water in place of this?” She answers him, “‘Triple A.’”] — “‘Triple A?’ Will the purified water from any of the commercial companies be good?”

Yes, your “Triple A” would be fair; they use carbon filters in their distilling process. It is not perfect, but it’s better than what you would normally find.

“The water from the artesian well at the Shanty place is very good, isn’t it?”

Very good; once distilled, would be perfect.

“All right.”

It is almost in a pure form now.

There is one other place; it is a place in Arizona called Agua Caliente.

Agua Caliente Resort by Marine 69–71 — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=67323521

“Uh huh.”

That water could be very good. But also it should be filtered.

“Not distilled, but filtered?”

Yes, that’s true — because it is picking up a very, not strong, but a fairly strong iron content.

There is one other well, and it is pure in its present form. This well has been capped for ten years. It is owned by what you call a railroad company. It is located in the town known as Coolidge, Arizona. Ray, soul Ray, which at that time was known by his family as soul Ammie, knew of this well. He has blotted this memory from his mind, but when he awakens, I shall place this thought in his mind, and he may tell you about it.

“Why? Will it be easy to get the water, or will the railroad give us trouble?”

They will give a slight bit of trouble, but I think — I must ask for permission, will thy wait?


Permission has been granted.

You should write a letter to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, to “Care of the Division Engineer’s Office, Tucson, Arizona,” asking for permission to take water from their railroad well at Coolidge, Arizona. This water is also high in chemicals which are very good for the teeth and the preservation of the teeth. If this water is drunk, none of thy group shall ever have cavities in thy mouth and shall have teeth, all of them, to the day that thy pass into my plane.

June 9, 1970: Now, soul B___ — yes — we see much improvement here….

Therefore, we see much improvement with soul B___’s physical health. As we have suggested in other cases, for the purification of thy body, in this locale at this time, we see a virus which most of you think is a sinus growth. It is affecting both man and beast. This virus was started by chemicals used near here — which has infected thy water, even the water at the depth that thy are now taking it.

A windmill pumps up the water from the well underground

We realize at this time that it would be impractical for you to drill to the depth of the pure water. Therefore, it would be suggested, find the root of the sage, boil it and drink at least one ounce both morning and evening, if possible. In your locale, it would be suggested to purify your water where you are. Drink, each of your family, of the sage.

But for thy own personal drinking water, build thy slough, as thy would call it. In your case, build it 36 feet long. Build it in a one-foot cube, placing baffles every six inches; drilling holes. The baffles should be made preferably of oak, if not, pine would do; oak would be better — drilling the holes in one-eighth diameter. Drill 50 holes [in] each baffle, at the last baffle placing carbon, either from the mesquita, or it can be purchased locally; it would do as well. Then in front and in back of the carbon, placing, what thy would call, a fiberglass back, wrapping this fiberglass in cloth of a close-knit nature, making a compartment that [it], this fiberglass, can be changed at least once a week. Therefore, this would purify thy water.

But still, at this time, to cleanse the growths that are starting in thy bodies, drink of the sage root, each of thy family.

Red sage root

June 12, 1970: “When we last talked with you, you told [4–6–70–002] how to purify his drinking water and the water for his family. However, you described a similar method to us; you had told us to put sand in the baffles. Was he also to use sand?”

(Chuckle). Sometimes, in the translation from our plane to yours — (chuckle) yes, it is sometimes confusing.


But we would say this. In the first baffle, place crushed rock; better of granite for the first baffle. Of the second baffle, sand, and then again, crushed rock. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, then do we alternate?”

Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.” [4–6–70–002 answers].…

Although this is not the design for the drinking water purification system that Aka describes, this perforated design does show several baffles, which may help one understand the concept

Now, you ask for your friend.


Usually this cannot be granted, because permission from the soul involved here has not been given. But — one moment, please.


Yes — It has been suggested that this information shall be given.

First, the soul involved is highly infected with the chemical that was sprayed not far from here, in [its] seepage into your water.

We also find here an acid, a very strong acid in the body.


We also find that this has attacked of the whole nervous system and caused a very irregular growthage in this area.


At this time we would suggest that this soul be given — first of all, the changing his drinking water, then a very, heavier bombardment of antibiotics. The physician in attendance at this time has knowledge of this.

Second, at this time, [________ fields] shall be necessary for a short period here.

(Sigh.) One moment. (Sigh.)

If, if this soul could at this time be given of the sage tea, of the root of the sage, in quantities of four ounces three times a day, this might help to neutralize this area.

Yes. Yes.

We also find other problems here. (Sigh.) We find that the liver and kidney area — at this time if they could be relieved by what is known at this time as a kidney machine, therefore, helping to relieve some of the poison being thrown off in this area, this would help.


Yes — we also find — (sigh) oh, no.

We would suggest before we continue, at this point that this whole group should pray for this soul. Each pray in his own way, that the words may mean something to you. Pray for this soul. Pray for the deliverance of this soul. And we shall pray. [Note: There is about 30 seconds of silence as they pray.]


From Wikipedia: Around that time, the U.S. Forest Service had sprayed Agent Orange, which was used in forest defoliation in Viet Nam, in an experiment to create more water runoff from the mountains near Globe, Arizona.

The active ingredient of Agent Orange was an equal mixture of two phenoxy herbicides2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) — in iso-octyl ester form, which contained traces of the dioxin 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). TCDD was a trace (typically 2–3 ppm, ranging from 50 ppb to 50 ppm) — but significant — contaminant of Agent Orange.


TCDD is the most toxic of the dioxins and is classified as a human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The fat-soluble nature of TCDD causes it to readily enter the body through physical contact or ingestion. Dioxins easily accumulate in the food chain. Dioxin enters the body by attaching to a protein called the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), a transcription factor. When TCDD binds to AhR, the protein moves to the nucleus, where it influences gene expression.

According to U.S. government reports, if not bound chemically to a biological surface such as soil, leaves or grass, Agent Orange dries quickly after spraying and breaks down within hours to days when exposed to sunlight and is no longer harmful. (But wouldn’t underground well water that seeped from the runoff be different?)

Although this was told to area residents who lived beneath the sprayed Pinal Mountain, this was not to be their experience, nor that of most of their animals. And does it continue today in other forms?

Seven months later, January 22, 1971, this was asked: “Aka, this evening B__ has a question, a very important question to him. He asks, ‘Is our well water safe now?’”

At your location, not at the present time, no. It would be safe unto the animal consumption because of the difference in your creation.

We would suggest the usage, if possible, of that water which comes, as you would know it, from the Dominion Mine. This water is now safe.

Old Dominion Mine in Globe, Arizona

Your own water will become safe soon. We have created the necessary elements in your earth that the same will soon be no more.

We have created the necessary thoughts of those who would use this again that this will be no more, for as we have said before –

those who should strike his brother in this manner shall feel the wrath of our Lord, our Father. But remember; forgive those who trespass upon thee.

“Aka, this evening we have no questions other than pertaining to our experimental release forms.”

We see a question, and we should answer. Are you, soul John, you above all other — we have told you of the growths that may form in the body. We have told you.

John was advised to add a two-inch cube of Night-Blooming Cereus to hot sage tea.

Then we should say in this way, to take and make of the sage tea, placing of a two-inch cubicle into the warmth of the hot tea of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. This must be done unto three days. But remember, we may only enter to give healing for those who would seek it….

Night-blooming cereus in full bloom in late-August by Xbunnyraptorx — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=122460804

Then think ye of the sign of the ankh that we may enter.

Finally, July 10, 1971, Aka answered with good news for residents of the Globe area beneath Pinal Mountain: Yes, we see thy need. First, we should say unto thee — yes, this, as we have said before, should be safe. Most of that unto which thy would know as the spray has left, or dissipated, as thy would know. Therefore, the milk of the goat should be of purity, and the meat of the same should be of purity. Then we should say unto thee, fear not.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. My mother [B____ Mc_____, who is presently in California for a few days has found that she has cancer inside her and she is going in next week for an operation, and she has asked for a health reading and your guidance as to what she should do and how she can best recover from this?”

We should say unto thee, we see thy need. Therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Yes, this is fine; this is good.

Yes, we would say unto thee, we find there, of the vagina area, the [mesomorphous, metamorphosis]-type growths.


Yes, we see thy need [sigh], and at the present time, we would say, go unto thy physician for treatment of the same. We should say, with meditation, these of the same should leave of thy body.

That thy might fully understand of this type growth, these are very much as thy would know of as a skin cancer. We should explain from which they have come. The spray of thy area has changed of the body genes. [Note: Aka was speaking of Agent Orange that was sprayed in the late 1960s on the Pinal Mountains, Arizona, by the U.S. Forest Service for defoliation, as it was in Viet Nam. TCDD in Agent Orange is the most toxic of the dioxins and is classified as a human carcinogen. Read the toxicology about dioxins above and the effect on gene expression.]

All matter is made of cosmic matter; should this be disturbed in any manner then growths of the same should take place in the body. The spray used, in forming of the same, should attack of the pineal glandular area; therefore, causing this glandular area to produce more of the [antivaccine]-type serum into the blood. This same [vaccine] should create of a virus, which in itself is to fight disease. But an imbalance causes growth of its own, or foreign-type malignant nature.

These are variously of a parasite nature. Therefore, we would suggest the taking of what thy would call of the seed of the mistletoe, making of the same after drying into a powder, using of thy measurements 2 grams per day of this powder, this would greatly help in the healing of the same.

Female plant of A. vaginatum susbp. cryptopodum on Ponderosa pine. Mistletoe is a parasite.

Within time, the body should become whole again.

This is all upon this soul at this time. Should further information be needed, if this soul should ask of the same, information pertaining to this would be given.

A year later, June 30, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God spoke of a greater event to come, before they spoke of toxins being cleansed that man has placed upon the Earth: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, that is of of before time, when the Earth slowed in its axis, as we have told you before. And as the time that the Earth and your time stood still — and your Earth is now again reaching its same position, for as we have said before, not one stone upon your Earth shall be left unturned. [See Matthew, chapter 24.]

But we say unto thee, beware, for the Fifth Angel walks upon thy Earth. [Read “The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth, and famine and pestilence shall be thy enemies”.]

But for the children of God, thy have nothing to fear, for we shall walk before thee and prepare a way. We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have given unto thee the keeping of the date and time. And of your year, 1998, so it shall be upon your Earth. But first shall come the sign and the writing in the sky.

Jesus told in Matthew 24:

The Coming of the Son of Man

29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

The Parable of the Fig Tree

32 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near — at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

No One Knows the Day or Hour

36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

And we say unto thee in these words, for all shall bow and pay homage into this One.

Yet, all shall be glad within their hearts, for your suffering upon the Earth shall end, and as has been promised, a new heaven and a new earth shall begin. But we saw unto thee in these words, as we have come to prepare this way, do so within thy own hearts and souls, that thy may serve the Messiah in the manner unto which your Lord, God, should wish of this, the same.

But first, proportions of your earth must be cleansed, and that that man has placed in the sea shall come forth and sting of them, as scorpions. And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. We have told thee of the Amchitka zone and that of the destruction that would slowly come from this. [Editor’s note: Since Word War II, Amchitka Island, Alaska, was used by the U.S. military, leaving behind debris and chemical contamination, some of which was later decontaminated. Three underground nuclear tests were also conducted there.]

We have shown thee of many paths and many lessons. We have told thee before that before the destruction should come in any proportion, that this work should go forward. Warnings should be given in advance. And even though we have given warnings, some have not believed and had little faith, and therefore, were destroyed by their own lack of faith.

We have told thee of the things to do for those would suffer from that of the spray of your own area. Yet, these things were not done in full.

And now they bring before us this child.

Yes, we see this, thy need, and we should answer in this manner, of the child, of the [6–30–72–001] child. Yes, we see this. We would suggest that only of the pure drinking water be given unto this child. We would suggest that double quantities of vitamin E be given unto the child, and more of the vitamin A into itself.

We shall say unto thee in these words, we cannot create, only our Father could do of the same, but the healing that is necessary, and that that should come from our Father shall be given.

But we should also say unto thee, that that is in the heart of the mother and father, we cannot violate, only should they come in truth and ask for the same can it be given in full.

So we say unto thee, [5–7–71–002], in this manner, we shall stand by the doorway; if it is opened we shall enter, and therefore, do the things that are needed. We can do no more.

Thy have other questions, ask….

And we should say unto soul Ruth these words. The healing has been given and shall be given. And fear not, for those that are needed shall stand by thy side and give the guidance. But thy must also be patient and let the healing come forth. Do not overstrain or overdo or the lesions shall form in a worse way than before.

Yes, we see thy need, soul [6–30–72–002], and we should say unto thee these words, of what thy have seen upon this day, the infliction that man has placed upon one another, of this word, cancer.

Note: Over 100 types of cancers affect humans

Tobacco use is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% are due to obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity or excessive drinking of alcohol. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation, and environmental pollutants. In the developing world, 15% of cancers are due to infections such as Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human papillomavirus infection, Epstein–Barr virus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These factors act, at least partly, by changing the genes of a cell. Typically, many genetic changes are required before cancer develops. Approximately 5–10% of cancers are due to inherited genetic defects. (Wikipedia)

And you say unto us, “Why is there no cure?” And we shall say unto thee, there is of such, but as man was given free choice and the will to find these things for himself, at the present time, the information that is needed for this cure is being given unto those who should listen.

And we shall say, once again, of the secret of the transplant within the same. And this should come from the sperm of man and from the creation of man — and therefore, brought forth into chemical form, and therefore, applied unto the nervous of the same — and this in itself shall make acceptance of one heart unto another.

Can thy understand if which we speak?


Nay, not fully. But your time is soon.

March 5, 1982: “Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [14–456–4]. She asks, ‘What is the main cause of recurring pain in the left chest and back?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit of the same. And we shall answer your question in this manner. The circulation within your body is not complete. This of the new virus, or the old virus, whichever you care to call it, is the main source of the pain. Soon that shall be gone, and even that which carries it shall be gone, [and] defaced of your earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Regarding that statement, I just wondered if the bacteria that was developed to eat Agent Orange is the same bacteria that will attack these viruses?”

It and others, for the meanest, [or] the greatest, shall come forth to destroy these bacterias, for it shall become, in the form in which you would know as, the wind of God. And soon your land shall feel it. Fear it not.

Some shall.

Psalm 18:10: He rode upon a cherub and flew;
And He sped upon the wings of the wind.

Psalm 104:3: He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters;
He makes the clouds His chariot;
He walks upon the wings of the wind.

Isaiah 59:19: So they will fear the name of the Lord from the west
And His glory from the rising of the sun,
For He will come like a rushing stream
Which the wind of the Lord drives.

Nahum 1:3: The Lord is slow to anger and great in power,
And the Lord will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.
In whirlwind and storm is His way,
And clouds are the dust beneath His feet.

Jesus told those listening (in John 3:8): The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

You have questions, ask….

Now we should say unto you unto this time. Take from our words, if you wish, and make them your own. Give praise unto one another. And when you do so, God shall be giving praise unto you. Give glory to one another, and God shall be giving glory unto you.

For we say to you, once was a man who thought he had lost everything, and an angel appeared unto him and said, “God shall come to you this night.”

He waited patiently. And first an old cobbler came to his door in need of bread. And the man gave him bread.

And then, a bird came, and lit upon his window sill, and it had a crippled wing and it was hungry. And he gave healing unto the bird and fed the bird, and the bird left.

A child came unto the door, and he was lost, and he fed him and he showed him the path.

The day was soon to finish. And in his anxiety of waiting for the Lord to appear, he fell asleep.


He awoke the next day happier than he had ever been in his life. From that day forward, unto all things he came in contact with, he treated them with the greatest of respect, for he knew that into each of these dwelt the Lord. And the Lord had truly visited him, not that day, but into all days.

Now is the time of the Messiah.

Pinal Mountain from the Dripping Springs mountains area to the south. The spiritual messengers of God had led Ray in 1979 to this area, which would be a safer area for the people, should World War 3 come in 1985, as some were concerned. In the Dripping Springs Valley, Ray bought a ranch and built a church that he dedicated simply to God, as a place for the people of God of all faiths to come.

Many years after Agent Orange had been sprayed on the Pinal mountains, on June 6, 1987, a woman who was moving to the area on the south side of the mountains asked: “Thank you, Aka. [A__ S______ …Dripping Springs] and is also here tonight, asks, ‘I am concerned with the quality of the water in my well [and] my neighbor’s well. What information can you give me? There is a high incidence of cancer and tumors among my neighbors. Is it possible that Agent Orange sprayed in the Pinals has infiltrated the water?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We will answer your question in this manner − that both, of the defoliant, has been used, but yet there is another. Through the strata in the water supply, there is two supplies, one which is know to run through Silver Canyon, the other is known to run through Dripping Springs.

The one that goes through Silver Canyon and supplies the water for the water table which you are on is on this same strata that − within the uranium mines above you. As a result, the water you have has been contaminated when they shut the mines down.

It would be suggested that for drinking water, that bring it from the Dripping Springs area, the land here; the water is pure in substance. There is a small amount of lime in this water; that could be filtered out. It is not significant amount, in amounts, to hurt anything.

A church to God on E. Dripping Springs Road has good water, as Aka said in 1987. The large aquifer underneath it is one of the best in Arizona, according to a specialist who was hired by Resolution Copper mine to discover and test all water in springs and underground sources in the area in 2018. If the mine doesn’t contaminate the aquifer with a large slag dump they built five miles upstream, the water hopefully might remain good in future years.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka,’ J__ R____ …asks for ‘any advice on speeding his recovery, to include vitamin supplements, diet, medication, etc. Please feel free to offer this advice at any time. With love.’”

We understand your need. And we would answer your question in this way. When the emotional stress has left your house then the rest of you shall get well. We would answer by one other question. Soul Ray has a new substance in his mind that you shall soon use to speed your recovery, and those and many others with similar problems.

This was asked April 8, 1988: Aka, I have a question. Dear Aka, is the city drinking water in Globe, Arizona, contaminated to such a degree that we should be drinking distilled bottled water? Also, would you please tell us if we need to be concerned [about our air pollution because of new contaminants?] Thank you very much.”

Globe, Arizona post office

We shall answer your question. The drinking water where you live is not pure. The drinking water in Globe is not completely pure, but it is safe.

Understand these things, there will come a time when they, it is no longer safe. When that time comes, we will tell you so. You say, should you fear? If you build a house of glass you should not thrown stones. But those things that you produce outward can come inward.

A long time ago, in this town, when that which you know as “Agent Orange” was being experimented with, we told you of such and we advised you not to drink this water. And then came forth the rains. And it cleansed the ground and it cleansed the underground water.

This could happen again….

“Thank you. Aka. [18–549–2] would like to know, what does the future hold for her, and what about her health?”

We see your need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. If you take the necessary steps that we have placed before you, your health shall improve.

Your destiny, until now, of that of the future, is one of free choice. And being so, your past has been your present. And until you make the decision to change, so it shall be your future….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–125–2] who is here tonight asks, ‘Please tell us about the spiritual gifts in the Bible, including tongues.’”

That which you speak of, and many gifts, the spiritual gifts of the Bible and that of speaking in tongues, means nothing more than that that soul Ray is doing now. It means allowing others to speak through you. It is not Satan [or] foreign spirits. It is allowing yourself to be one with God.

From the Creator and eternity — entering into time and space of galaxies, universes and worlds beyond worlds — to hover over the Earth and then Globe — entering Ray’s house in this time — the spiritual messengers of God can be seen in this photo. They shine as rays of light from universes above – to surround and enter into Ray’s unconscious body. The microphones, which partly obscure the face, are recording the words they are speaking, much like the transcribed words you read in this article.

But understand this. There are those who speak in tongues and there are those who speak about tongues.

There are those who took their thoughts and [say], “This is of the spirit.” Know the difference. Say, “This is what I think; I’m not ashamed of my thoughts.” And speak them. If your words are lies, then people shall follow this, even sometimes when your words are false. But in the end, when days and weeks and years pass, and you look and you see the goodness or the badness, as you would call it, then you would know which is of what.


Would you like to join in association with the spiritual messengers of God in the Association they ask us to form? (Click the word, Association, to see how.)

Learn much more. “What do the spiritual messengers of God tell us?”

Listen to their recorded words. Read their books.


Note: You can read more suggestions about purifying drinking water in the links to the article and to the newsletter below. Some ideas were given for a time and a place — in 1970 after Agent Orange was sprayed on Pinal Mountain by Globe, Arizona.

See “Prepare for the time of the great famine”– Begin with safe drinking water. Please understand these ideas are shared only as thoughts intended to encourage you to do more research on your own or to consult with experts. This is not medical or health advice, so consider this at your own risk. These ideas are shared to remind many that sometimes water is not safe to drink, or that there may be no water flowing through the tap. If we prepare for this, we’ll be so glad we did.

Here are some more ideas from the March-April 2016 Association of Universal Philosophy newsletter Rays of Philosophy” on finding water


The words of Aka are copyrighted 2000 by A. Ray Elkins through whom these spiritual messengers of God spoke.



"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.