npm weekly #82: Introducing #myfirstpublish, blazing fast search is here, plus npm is hiring a new position!

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2017

We 💕 your first publish

Each day, around 200 people publish their first package to npm. We think it’s pretty cool. The npm community is the sum of its contributors — and everyone starts somewhere. The #myfirstpublish campaign aims to recognize these contributions, encourage them, and show some love.

Veteran developers: there’s a fun way for you to pitch in. Check it out!

A CLI update and quicker TTFB

Late last week, the CLI team dropped the details on the release of npm 4.3.0. Read the full release notes for all the good stuff, but tl;dr: an added command line option!, speedier startup time!, plus updates to docs and dependencies!

Also worth noting: is some recent web perf work by Benjamin Coe to improve TTFB.

npm is hiring!

Cool tip: npm is still hiring; in fact, this week we added still more opportunities to join the npm team!

We’re looking for folks to help work on web services, the registry and our npm Enterprise offerings, and also a marketing associate to help better describe all of what we just said.

Know someone who might be interested? Are you that somebody? [❤️ Aaliyah — Ed.] Head on over to to check out our open positions.

That time Isaac invented npm so he could make his first npm publish.

“This is the story of helping to invent a universe so that I could make an apple pie from scratch,” explains npm’s inventor Isaac Schlueter in his contribution to the #myfirstpublish project.

If you’ve been curious about how all of this — npm, the registry, our community — got its start, your wait is finally over.

Super 🔥 fast 🔥 legacy search

Yesterday, Ben released a hack for making search in legacy npm clients blazing fast. It’s still a good idea to upgrade to the latest npm, but if you haven’t, Ben, Kat Marchán, and Ryan Dayhave probably just made your day.

What we’re reading: Managering in Terrible Times

In this essential read from Lara Hogan, she offers guidance on how managers can go about creating a supportive and safe environment, and how they can respond to individual crises. It’s solid advice, and recommended not just for managers, but everyone who works with people.

Practice makes perfect, especially the practice of understanding

This video from Soul Pancake on How to Practice Understanding is really interesting, and particularly timely right now. Watch for yourself and see if there’s something you might take away for your next crucial conversation.

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npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.