npm weekly #87: Announcing free npm Orgs, one neat trick to make npm + NativeScript work, plus a ViennaJS video!

npm, Inc.
npm, Inc.
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2017

Announcing free Orgs

Orgs, our collaboration tool for helping teams manage permissions and share their code, is now free for all developers of open source packages. You may invite an unlimited number of collaborators to manage an unlimited number of public packages for $0.

Why would we give away our most popular product? Because making it easier to collaborate on open source projects is good for the whole community, and anything that reduces friction makes it easier for everyone to build amazing things.

What are Orgs? There are docs for that. How do you make your own free Org? We have a website, on the Internet. How have others used Orgs? Read on!

What awesomeness will you build? You should probably tell us.

More npm blog freshness: the latest CLI release notes

The npm CLI team is trying something new, releasing the version notes on the npm blog. Recently, versions 4.4.4 and 4.4.3 went out!

Version 4.4.3 was a small patch release with bug fixes and documentation updates (for more, read the detailed notes). Version 4.4.4 followed soon after to fix a bundled dependencies issue. See the details here.

What we’re reading: Visualizing Garbage Collection Algorithms

If you thought this post was going to be about visualizing garbage collection algorithms on the street, you would be very wrong. Nevertheless, Ken Fox wrote up a very cool analysis with some pretty neat visuals that will leave every dev with a greater appreciation for an often thankless task.

No shim? No problem! Requiring Node.js modules from ClojureScript just got easier

It used to be that the ClojureScript compiler used a shim in order to support requiring Node.js modules, but in the latest version of the compiler, support for Node.js modules has been greatly enhanced!

Read this post from António N. Monteiro for more details.

Combine any npm module with NativeScript with this one neat trick

Fans of NativeScript who are also wanting to leverage the sheer volume of solutions packaged as modules in npm are going to love this. In How to Use Any npm Module with NativeScript, Eddy Verbruggen describes how they’ve created a module, nativescript-nodeify plugin, that serves as a Browserify-esque solution for running npm within a not-Node.js-runtime.

A handy how-to: creating a “redirect” package in npm

Could this be npm’s first official Twitter Moment? Maybe! Laurie Voss put together a brief question and answer example for a frequently asked question. Check out Rebecca Turner’s simple yet clever solution.

Wombat Driven Understanding

Earlier this year Raquel Vélez spoke at ViennaJS, the popular Austrian JavaScript event, and Pusher recently released the video of her talk. Check out Wombat Driven Understanding — An Interactive Guide to Using npm.

Read the delayed package publishes incident report

Late last week, we ran into an issue where newly published package versions were being delayed and were inaccessible for installation. The issue was resolved within an hour. For up-to-date status notifications, make sure you’re following @npmstatus on Twitter.

My First Publish — Learning JavaScript by Publishing to npm

This week we continue sharing #MyFirstPublish stories! Our latest one comes from Christopher Buteau, in Writing a Node.js module to learn JavaScript faster. In describing his experience publishing his first package, param-signatures, Christopher ended up writing a brief tutorial for how to publish to npm. We’d love to hear more #MyFirstPublish stories, so send us yours!

Get free socks! Just fix some bugs.

They’re free now! Make an Org!

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npm, Inc.

npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry.