Numbers talk: an intro

Yegor Walowski
Numbers talk
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2022
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You can often hear that business is all about money. Such a statement can be offensive to many creators, who deliver great code, design, or digital products shaping today’s world.

Back in the day I was running a small IT firm. I remember that I always wanted to find the balance between financial & operational excellence and a notion to create great products. The money may be the reason why people start the business, but there’s always another one, and usually, it’s not about the numbers

Futuristic bank note — a visual by Midjourney AI

One of the insights I got was that no one starts a business to do financial spreadsheets. You don’t often meet a founder who actually enjoys making calculations or merging banking statements to get a correct cash flow report. In fact — small and mid-size business owners sometimes tend to avoid these kinds of things “not to kill the vibe”. In addition — revenues and finances aren’t the topics that are spoken out loud, like management or marketing.

Let’s admit it: finances are boring. There are always more exciting things to talk about in business.

It’s a strange thing to say for me, considering I am a fintech startup founder myself. But having a chat with hundreds of business owners over the last year I am sure about that. So why is it like that?

Firstly: it’s natural. Financial management and accounting require a specific set of mind. And dare I say that mindset is quite rare. Especially for the agency owners.

Secondary: not many people are trying to make finances a little bit sexier. Take every video from youtube on financial fundamentals: even if it’s theoretically helpful, usually it’s also a low-quality lecture with little passion.

Still, we would like to tell more about the agency’s finances. Why is that?

When I was ruing my previous business, I was Chief Excell Officer — an ironic title indicating my involvement in accounting and financial routines. I made plenty of mistakes, and there was a moment when I wanted to learn from the others, so I spoke to the other founders like me.

After having dozens of chats, I was stunned. Everyone in the industry had the same problems. And everyone was holding it to themselves, because of course — you don’t talk about finances that much.

That led me to a couple of action points.

First: I started Fintellect: an all-in-one SaaS for IT & digital agencies.

Second: I took on the mission to talk more about finances and not make a deadly boring kind of chat.

Meet Numbers talk: everything worth reading about agency finances.

So here we are. Me and Danylo Golota kicked off our Medium blog to deliver valid financial reads.

Our mission is simple: we’re here to help you get a little more involved in finances, so you can do less of them later

We understand how many things are on a table when you run a small or mid-size business. Many founders and senior executives want to save the time spent on boring routines like finances to do more meaningful work or spend more time with family.

And you know what — this is totally understandable and normal

This is why we want to make our stories here short, witty, and worth reading.

We want it to be easier for you to know the finances today — this way you won’t be spending too much time on it tomorrow.

Hope you gonna join us on this journey.

And hey: we gonna do a lot of nice visuals and fun gags.

Let’s kick that off.

Thanks for sticking with us.

🇺🇦 You can read this story in Ukrainian language



Yegor Walowski
Numbers talk

🇪🇺🇺🇦 Creator, communicator, entrepreneur