NuNet Monthly Recap: August 2022

NuNet Team
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2022

Greetings Singularitarians,

August has seemed a bit quiet for NuNet, but behind the scenes the team has been gearing up for many exciting events in the near future. We announced our new Earndrop program which will reward users who help the platform grow on the Cardano blockchain. We discussed the forthcoming Ethereum Merge upgrade and what it will mean for NuNet’s growth. This article will recap each of these and more in greater detail.

NuNet Earndrop Program

The NuNet Earndrop program will occur in many rounds and take on multiple forms. It will start as rewards dropped to community members for completing simple tasks that help the platform grow, and will eventually be a system encoded into the network to help drive productivity in the early stages of NuNet. For more details, see our recent article about the Earndrop.

We also just announced the program’s first round: The Cardano Stake Pool Earndrop. This will involve NTX rewards for selected stake pool operators and those who delegate ADA to their pools. Read more about it in the most recent article and stay tuned for more details in the very near future.

Blockchain Upgrades Affecting NuNet

Last month, we released an article on Cardano’s Vasil hard fork and what it means for NuNet. This upgrade has still yet to occur, but it is on track to complete in the coming weeks and will allow us to design more scalable smart contracts for NuNet’s payment system.

This month, we released an article about Ethereum’s upcoming Merge upgrade. This hard fork will end the need for graphics processing units (GPUs) to mine ETH, likely making them more available for NuNet’s GPU machine learning use case. The Ethereum Merge is now set to occur in the middle of September.

August Youtube AMA

On August 31st, CEO Kabir Veitas held a live Ask Me Anything event. He discussed the upcoming milestones for NuNet, in addition to answering questions from the google form and live chat. You can access the archived video on NuNet’s Youtube channel.

Development Recap Delayed

Due to some logistics changes within the NuNet dev team, development updates will now be published at the beginning of each month. This means there is no update to recap for August, but a development blog will be released at the beginning of September and be recapped at the end of that month.

NuNet Is Hiring!

NuNet currently has a number of open positions for various roles within the team. If you have the skills and desire to join us in our journey, you can find more information and contact us through our jobs page.

About NuNet

NuNet lets anyone share and monetize their computing resources, turning cloud computing power from a centralized service into an open protocol powered by blockchain. Find out more via:

