Oasis partners with API3 to bring off-chain data to the Oasis Network with a joint developer grant

Jack Booth
Oasis Foundation
3 min readSep 3, 2021


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The Oasis Protocol Foundation is today announcing a partnership with Oracle service, API3. The partnership will see API3 integrate their technology into the network bringing off-chain data to projects building on the Oasis Network. API3 and the Oasis foundation will be co-sponsoring a grant to develop and audit a rust version of Airnode, allowing the many data providers already running Airnode to supply data to projects building on Oasis.

About Oasis

The Oasis Protocol is aiming to bring DeFi to the mass market; providing scalability, enabling private smart contracts and the ability to tokenize personal data. The architecture of the network separates consensus from compute into 2 layers: the Consensus layer and the ParaTime Layer. With privacy preserving smart contracts it becomes possible to tokenize economies that were not possible to tokenize before due to the sensitive nature of the data being publicly released onto a blockchain. Real estate deeds, personal health data, and internet usage data are all types of data that could be tokenized and sold by its owners without revealing any of the private information to anyone.

To make it easier for developers to use these privacy-enabling features, Oasis Labs, a team building on the network has built a TypeScript SDK called Parcel that allows data ownership and access policies to be easily implemented, and data to be consumed in a privacy preserving environment.

Airnode’s integration to Oasis Network will allow API3’s data providers to be usable through Parcel, to give developers access to multiple types of data for their privacy preserving dapps.

Airnode Integration Grants

Airnode’s first-party oracle design has some unique advantages. One of them is the ability for each API provider running Airnode to serve data to any supported blockchain once the initial integration work has been completed. This means that an integration will give developers on the newly integrated platform >125 first-party APIs to build dapps with.

Through Airnode’s blockchain agnostic design, the initial pre-alpha and upcoming beta versions are easily adapted to any EVM-compatible chain, with integrations typically taking less than a day.

API3 is now looking to extend the compatibility of Airnode by co-sponsoring integration grants for blockchains without EVM compatibility, or where a non EVM integration gives better functionality. We believe that developers working across all blockchains will benefit from having a suite of API providers to build dapps with, and having this consistently available across multiple blockchains will aid multi-chain deployment. If you’d like more information about this, or would like to apply for a grant please email Oasis.

“API3 is excited to work with Oasis Foundation to integrate Airnode to Oasis. Creating a Rust version of Airnode will allow a deeper integration, helping improve the selection of data that developers using the Parcel SDK can incorporate into their dapps.” Heikki Vänttinen, API3

“Delivering off-chain data to the Cipher Paratime with a Rust compatible Airnode means a great deal to our developer community. Native support for API3 in the Oasis Network is the natural next step between our projects. Our joint grant will benefit both communities without a doubt. It also signals the strength and vision of our long term partnership.” Ekin Tuna, Oasis Protocol Foundation

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Oasis Links

Twitter — https://twitter.com/OasisProtocol

Telegram — https://t.me/oasisprotocolcommunity

Website — https://oasisprotocol.org/

YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35UFPcZ2F1wjPxhPrSsESQ

Medium — https://medium.com/oasis-protocol-project

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API3 Links

Forum — https://forum.api3.org

Twitter — https://twitter.com/API3DAO

Telegram — https://t.me/API3DAO

Discord — https://discord.gg/qnRrcfnm5W

Github — https://github.com/api3dao

Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/API3/

