OccamFi Community Update —Occam Evolution, DAO & More

Published in
11 min readJul 5, 2022

OccamFi has had an incredible journey since its launch; from the early-year euphoria of the bullrun highs in 2021, to the myriad ups and downs that followed — Occam has built its name on its ability to overcome challenges that face it. We are about to embark on a brand new journey — one that will change OccamFi forever and include our community in the process to an extent that was previously impossible; be prepared for massive evolution, and positive change to the Occam you know and love.

The bear market is an ominous time for some within the crypto industry, but not us. OccamFi was founded on a base of incredible technology, principles and funding that has allowed us to use this lull in the market to build in preparation for the next bullish phase… and build is exactly what the Occam DAO has done. Strap yourselves in OccamFans, the changes we are about to propose will be momentous for the project, and we want you along for the ride!

The Occam DAO is built for our community, and with this in mind we are about to launch a series of improvement proposals — that if implemented — will allow a tectonic shift in the structure of the Occam DAO, paving the way for a brand new Occam experience that eclipses all our previous achievements.

However, before we discuss the new proposals, let us address some of the topics from the past in order that we start our new journey with clarity, and a clean slate.

To reiterate, this update is only the starting point to a much grander positive change the Occam ecosystem is about to experience. In particular, we want to stress the importance that the Occam forum will hold in the next few weeks and beyond; you can expect a lot of new proposals of fundamental nature to have your say on. So, if you haven’t made an account yet, sign up here to have your vote, and your voice heard.

In this update, we will cover:

  1. Mobile IDO Participation
  2. BSC Liquidity Migration & Staking on BSC & Milkomeda
  3. CED Rewards
  4. YouClout IDO Compensation
  5. The OccamFi Forum and OIPs
  6. OCX Rewards
  7. Swissborg partnership
  8. OCC Burn & Buy-back
  9. Team update
  10. Occam’s support system

Mobile IDO Participation

We understand the importance of offering mobile participation for IDOs and that its absence has limited some people’s ability to participate in past IDOs.

We are happy to share that we are gearing up our backend infrastructure in a major tech update that will allow us to offer mobile participation and are prioritizing its development. We expect to be able to offer mobile IDO participation in Q3/Q4 of this year. We hope for it to be deployed faster, and will keep you posted with any updates that become available.

BSC Liquidity Migration + Staking on BSC & Milkomeda

In order to bring BSC liquidity migration and staking to users, we are partnering with and integrating Multichain, a cross-chain router protocol that allows users to easily move between chains. The cooperation with Multichain will serve as a stepping stone towards migrating to and accessing various chains, including BSC, Ethereum, Milkomeda and more. Much more. The OIPs to be released this week will contain a lot about these plans. Bear with us.

Multichains’s technology will provide a seamless bridge and improved user experience, with fast finality and low costs. Needless to say, it is also the largest bridge on the market by aggregated TVL. The cooperation will ensure a unified standard and access to expansion across over 30 networks that have already been integrated by Multichain.

Liquidity migration is a technical process that requires time and expertise to be executed. We have crafted an action plan to start the process, to be disclosed by this weekend, which will ensure we can unify everything under one bridge and simplify users’ experience in the long run.

Staking will be available on any supported network: BSC, Ethereum, or Milkomeda. Stakes from all available networks will add up to one’s aggregate stake. Please note that staking APY may differ from network to network, because the cast-out fees are distributed within one network only.

Furthermore, in the near future IDOs will be held on any network: BSC, Ethereum, or Milkomeda. The above will require an update to the OccamRazer pad and smart contracts — expect to see a new and improved interface, on both the front and backend.

Besides BSC, Ethereum and Milkomeda, we also plan to finally bridge Ethereum, Milkomeda and Cardano. Cardano’s OCC liquidity will stop being an isolated pool merging its interchain OCC family.

CED Rewards

Continuous Ecosystem Diversification (CED) rewards are project tokens users receive simply for having at least 150 OCC staked through the OccamRazer staking smart contract.

When IDOs raise funds through our platform, they can make some of their tokens available for distribution across our staking community. These are CED rewards. This contribution is not mandatory, and solely at the discretion of the projects that launch on OccamRazer.

The following projects have offered CED rewards, which have already been distributed: OccamFi, deFire, CardWallet, Ledgity, Theos, Mobius, and Meow. Part of the Iagon CED rewards have also been distributed.

There are some rewards that are yet to be distributed or claimed. The cases include:

Iagon: The Iagon IDO was postponed by a month (from original 28th June to 26th July). To compensate for the postponement, bonus CED rewards were offered to every OCC staker between 28th June and 5th July, equaling an extra $25,000 in IAG tokens at the price of $0.04 = 625 000 IAG. The second batch of CED rewards are now ready to be claimed.

dHealth: dHealth CED tokens are ready to be claimed.

ORE: ORE CED tokens are also ready to be claimed.

IX Swap: The IX Swap team will vest CED rewards in the same way as their private sale tokens. Total pool assigned for CED rewards: 800,000 tokens. Time of delivery: September 2023.

XP.network and Duelist King are the projects that have not yet distributed rewards. We regret to say that we are not able to provide CED rewards for these projects at the time. We can propose the following compensation option for XP network and Duelist King:

Reimbursing users’ costs with OCC or OCX at the price at the time of IDO or OCX TGE respectively. According to CoinMarketCap, OCC’s high on October 21st, 2021 (Duelist King IDO) was $8.51, and $9.46 on September 14th, 2021 (XP.network IDO). It will be up to the community to decide which option is preferred through voting on an OIP that we will create shortly.

YouClout and Centaurify will not have any CED rewards offered.

The YouClout IDO compensation

The YouClout IDO performed on OccamRazer in October of last year (10/2021) suffered a technical issue, in which users — who should rightly have been able to participate — could not.

This issue has remained on our radar since, and as per our article released at the time — YouClout Participation Resolution — we are able to confirm that as native BSC staking becomes available for our OCC token, would-be YouClout participants will be compensated with BSC-OCC tokens.

As stated in the previous section regarding our BSC staking roadmap, this feature now has a strong near-term roadmap to completion, and therefore the community can expect compensation for the YouClout issue to be wrapped up in an equal timeframe.

The OccamFi Forum & Re-starting OIPs

To decentralize decision making within our ecosystem, last year we launched the Occam Forum, Occam Improvement Proposals (OIPs) and Occam stake-based voting. This made it possible for anyone to make a forum account, head to our OIP section, and write a proposal that would later be voted on by the Occam community, provided it passed the voter threshold.

Currently, four OIPs have been completed with stake-based voting on Snapshot. The majority of OIPs suggested still remain under the 50 vote threshold before they can go into stake-based voting. The general themes we have seen proposed are in regards to tokenomics, the tier system, and rewards for the Occam community.

In the next couple of weeks, we endeavor to re-address engagement on the Forum and offer a prominent re-introduction of improvement proposals. Users can expect a major proposal that is set to upgrade the Occam platform, forum, and ecosystem as a whole. Make sure to keep an eye out on social media for the announcement, and sign up for the forum here: Occam.fi OIP Forum.

The Occam DAO is evolving, and we want you to be part of our epic new journey.

OCX Rewards

Although OccamFi and OccamX are separate DAOs, we would like to include this update here for clarity — as our OccamFi community clearly has some overlap, and several perks within the OccamX ecosystem.

The latest OCX reward calculation was shared on May 17th, 2022, which users can access here. The next update will be available with the token launch, expected in September 2022.

To recap: 30,000,000 $OCX tokens (30% of the total supply) were assigned as rewards to Occam ecosystem contributors. We have introduced a variety of ways for users to earn OCX rewards. These include:

1) Staking OCC here: https://razer.occam.fi/personal/occ-panel/staking,

2) Staking OCC/ETH liquidity tokens, received for Uniswap liquidity provision,

3) Staking ADA to our Occam.fi Cardano Stake Pool here,

4) Holding OCC-ADA natively on the Cardano blockchain,

5) Providing liquidity to the BSC pool on PancakeSwap here.

  • A total of 15,900,000 OCX will be distributed to OCC stakers
  • 10,000,000 OCX will be distributed to the Occam.fi Cardano Stake Pool ADA delegators
  • 4,000,000 OCX will be distributed across PancakeSwap and Uniswap LP
  • 100,000 OCX will be distributed to OCC-ADA holders.

Please note that a vesting schedule will be in place for OCX rewards. Vesting will take place linearly and distributions will occur continuously and linearly with 12-months total vesting, 5% initial unlock and 2 month cliff. There is no vesting for OCC-ADA holders.

The OCX dashboard provides a view of the overall number of ISPO OCX rewards allocated and left so far. Please be aware that the dashboard will not have the streaming of OCX rewards per address. However, we will update all the stakers prior to the end of the campaign.

In April 2022, with the launch of the OccamX DEX, we introduced a major liquidity mining campaign. The liquidity mining campaign is a continuous token distribution event — where liquidity tokens of eligible OccamX pools and when staked by users (LPs) — are rewarded with distributions of OCX inflation with a block-by-block frequency. 15,000,000 OCX, which comprises 15% of OCX supply, have been allocated to the LM campaign.

As we have previously mentioned, OccamFi has been securely running its own ISPO for OccamX (OCX) for over 40 epochs now. We are excited to share that we have since introduced ISPO-as-a-service to the Cardano space. What’s more, this new service will have the rewards feature per address, along with many other elements to complement the service. Watch this space for more updates that will be unveiled soon!

How long will staking OCC earn OCX?

OCX tokens may be earned though any of the available means until Sep 9, 2022 — which equates to Cardano Epoch #361. Shortly after September 9th, the OCX token launch will take place.

OccamFi and OccamX have emerged as two separate DAOs, but we maintain a strong partnership within the ecosystem and will continue to support each other where relevant. Please note that OccamX has its own resources and socials, so for questions relating to the OccamX DEX and OCX tokens (following reward distribution), users should reach out directly to OccamX.

Swissborg partnership

Our partnership with the great team over at Swissborg covers our token listing on their platform, in addition to native yield farming on the Swissborg platform for the OCC-ETH token.

We understand that many people within both communities want greater integration, and whilst we can not give dates — we can tell you that our partnership with Swissborg runs deeper than you may think…

OCC burn & buy back

Several OIPs have been proposed on the Forum to address this topic, and various other tokenomic changes. Please keep an eye out for new proposals that will be launched soon; we aim to propose a viable solution to be voted on.

There will be some massive overhauls to the voting systems in the coming months, so stay tuned — we are on a path to make Occam’s governance features easily accessible to every member of the DAO.

Opening IDO participation to more users

A huge part of Occam’s new journey is adhering to the principles of the DAO, and we believe the very strongest ideas come through DAO governance votes; so you can expect at least one OIP in this vein in the very near future.

Update of the current team

The introduction of the Forum and stake based voting served as a stepping stone towards decentralization for the Occam ecosystem. Slowly but surely, we are taking steps towards becoming a full fledged DAO, with a path for full decentralization to be released in the coming OIPs.

OccamFi benefits from a group of core DAO contributors, helping drive the success of the ecosystem in areas such as development, tokenomics, strategy, community, communication and more.

We will be releasing a page introducing the DAO contributors soon. Suffice to say we have a strong group of the very best and brightest — old and new faces included — that will propel Occam forward to becoming an even greater force in the crypto landscape. Also, expect much more active participation of the core DAO contributors in Occam’s socials and forums. Moving towards tighter Discord integration will be instrumental in this effort.

Occam’s support system

Currently, we tackle support queries through the webform on the Occam.fi homepage, and as of this moment all support requests from this form, in addition to any raised through Discord/Telegram have been answered or resolved.

There may well be better methods of providing the level of support required by our community, and as such, there will be an upcoming OIP released with this topic in mind soon.

Closing comments

Hopefully this community update has impressed upon you the importance we have placed on ensuring that all previous ‘loose-ends’ are wrapped up before we move on with our huge new vision for the Occam DAO. We are going to start this new age of OccamFi with a clean slate, and massive ambitions that will make our die-hard community truly appreciate the lengths we are about to go to for them, as at the end of the day that is what Occam is: it is you, and the core DAO members — working together to build something that will rock the crypto-verse.

Make sure to follow the announcements on our social media — the upcoming changes we have alluded to in this article are massive, and will make the Occam DAO an even greater powerhouse in the crypto space — do not sleep on this, it is just around the corner!

Follow OccamFi’s social media channels to stay up to date with the latest news:

Telegram Official Community — https://t.me/occamfi_com

Telegram Announcements — https://t.me/occamfi

Discord — https://discord.gg/KxEtknrQNd

Medium — https://medium.com/occam-finance

OccamFi Twitter — https://twitter.com/OccamFi

