Octopus Accelerator Applications Open for Winter 2022

Develop your Web3 concept to testnet in four weeks!

The Tentacle
Omnity Network
2 min readOct 18, 2022



Because it takes more than a promising concept and good code to bring a project to life, Octopus Network created the Accelerator Program.

Participants of the Accelerator Program improve their chances of a successful launch and early-stage growth by supercharging their builds with mentoring, training, expert advice, and partnerships.

Accelerator is free for founders, developers, and solo Web3 entrepreneurs to gain exposure to other critical facets of Web3 project development.

Take your Web3 project to the next level with Substrate!

The Accelerator Program Course

Each four-week Accelerator Course offers seven Workshops with two additional Special Workshops focusing on the two major directions of Web3 — entrepreneurship and user experience.

Course Workshop major topics include:

  1. Web3 Introduction
  2. Web3 Entrepreneurship
  3. Crypto Regulation
  4. Fundraising
  5. Tokenomics
  6. Community Building
  7. Web3 Branding
  8. Web3 User Experience
  9. Web3 Product Design

👉🏼Application Deadline November 11 — Apply Here!

Meet the Accelerator Course Mentors

Octopus Accelerator is a global Web3 startup community of entrepreneurs constituting a strong team of mentors with successful experience in different facets of entrepreneurship from top project teams.

Octopus Network Accelerator Program Mentors accelerator.oct.network

Applications Open Until November 11, 2022

Application and attendance are free! Accelerator asks for no investment but dedication to your concept and willingness to build an Appchain Testnet with Substrate.

Graduates of the Accelerator Program can participate in Showcase Day for a chance to win one of five Star Prizes worth 50kUSD each!

👉🏼Application Deadline November 11 — Apply Here!

accelerator.oct.network Winter Course 2022

👩‍💻Learn more about Accelerator!

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