What you need to do when you move to Germany

Evangelos Pappas
Ocyan Cloud
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2020

We made the ultimate checklist of the things that you need to do in order to start living and working in Germany.

Photo by Ansgar Scheffold on Unsplash

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When you arrive at Germany

No matter where you land in Germany, you should be expecting to meet vibrant people, eager to share with you tons of great stories to listen to during your socializing nights. But also, the stereotype that processes and order dominates in the German culture, has some roots of truth. And thus to make the rest of your days easier, you are expected to do some legal and bureaucratic tasks during your integration process.

How to register that you have moved

Within you first 14 days of moving, you are required to register to your local Council Office (Bürgeramt or citizen office). This is an outdated non-digital process that can be done via appointments that you book over the phone. Each city has its own office, so to find the right number to call you will have to google for “anmeldung [your city]”. Depending on the office you may find similar descriptions for this registration process as “Anmeldebestätigung”, “Meldebescheinigung” or “Einwohnermeldeamt” for example for Berlin click here.

What you will be requested to provide at your meeting:

  • a valid ID, eg passport or EU ID
  • a civil status certificate (if it applies) (Personenstandsurkunde)
  • A signed confirmation from your landlord confirming your moving in (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung)
  • Registration form (Anmeldeformular)

Read also “Get your finances up to speed when you move to Germany

Your Tax ID

Once you’ve completed your registration at the Bürgeramt, then you shall expect to receive within 2 weeks a letter stating your new Tax ID. The Tax ID number will never change even if you decide to leave Germany and return in the future.

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Banking, you know it’s important

Getting a bank account is paramount for so many important interactions, from receiving your salary to even paying your rent. Typically, you should be able to open a bank account once you’ve registered your address.

Getting banking straightforward from the mainstream banks can be proven tricky due to the lack of address history in Germany. At OCYAN we are connecting you with banks that can immediately onboard you. This means you don’t have to go through the hassle of walking to a branch, but rather have a stress-free mobile-only interaction.

Health Insurance is important, so get the right one

The German healthcare system is arguably one of the best systems in
Europe. By law anyone who is living and working in Germany are
required to have a health insurance.

When it comes to health insurance coverage, you have 2 main categories:

  • Public/State Insurance — Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV)
  • Private Insurance — Private Krankenversicherung (PKV)

The main difference is that the Public/State insurance (GKV) is regulated by the government and it is the most frequent choice of people. In most of the cases you can apply to have public insurance through your employer. On the other hand, the private insurance is a personal choice and the coverage is provided by the private insurance sector with the benefit of shorter waiting times and access to private doctors.

Public insurance covers your children and spouses too

You may find the best provider for your needs via OCYAN and apply directly from the App.

Get Mobile, Internet and Utilities like a pro

Before considering to get a new local mobile number, make sure that your phone is unlocked so that you can use the same device to have a German SIM card.

Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash

Once you register at OCYAN, you are able to find services and contracts to get:

  • a new local mobile plan or a simple pay-as-you-go card
  • options for home internet (wifi)
  • deals for energy and other utilities

Hello from OCYAN

OCYAN is a new service, that you can access from your mobile or laptop, and gives you a direct access to services and tasks that you need to know about when you move to Germany. Anything from banking to health insurance to even getting a new mobile contract, join Ocyan.

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Evangelos Pappas
Ocyan Cloud

I am building data-driven platforms for the #metaverse and #web3