Is This Art: A (Possibly Misguided) Exploration of NFTs and Art

A non-artist dips her toes into creating contemporary art

Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters
3 min readAug 30, 2021


A few years ago I shared some random thoughts on contemporary art. To date, my stance remains the same. The contemporary art scene still feels foreign to me, and I am yet to find a piece/performance to get me truly excited.

Enter non-fungible tokens, or NFTs.

The world of crypto is opening a vast new field of opportunity for artists — and many of them are utilizing it at its best. Talented artists from all over the world are turning to platforms like OpenSea, Foundation or Rarible to sell their work. A new generation of collectors is being nurtured and encouraged in their exploration of this brave new medium.

But crypto is an egalitarian game, and so is the NFT market. It lets through brilliant, accomplished artists — but also bozos with an iPad and an apple pencil in their possession. Like me.

That took a weird direction quickly, didn’t it? That’s the world we live in, deal with it.

Good or bad, art shouldn’t be elitist. It should be accessible to anyone around the world, irrespective of social status and pocket depth. Art makes us better. But I digress.

To learn more about NFTs and examine the scene, I am dropping a couple of NFTs myself. I am counting on this to be a teachable experience whether they sell or not. In fact, I’d be utterly surprised if they sell — but who knows. You can help me by sharing the word.

I’ll be selling a couple of gifs. Here they are.

Is This Art 0

Mixed media, created on an iPad using ProCreate.

“Is This Art 0” is a pixelized photo I took with an iPhone at a picturesque spot in Southern Spain. Blending photography, brush pen lettering and tapping on an iPad, this piece poses the fundamental question of what the fuck is art. The artist doesn’t give an answer, she simply opens the door to everyone finding their own artistic truth.

👉 👉 👉 BUY IT HERE 👈 👈👈

Is This Art 1

Mixed media, created on an iPad using ProCreate.

Inspired by The Pixel Portraits and CryptoPunks, “Is This Art 1” is a pixelized self-portrait drawn from memory. An upgraded version of a stick-figure drawing, this piece shows the author’s inner desire to hide her imperfections behind a mask of pixels. It is a testament to the truth that online we are all prettier, taller, skinnier and smarter.

👉 👉 👉 BUY IT HERE 👈 👈👈

Want to be a part of this artistic revolution?

Head over to OpenSea to make your bid or help spread the word by sharing this on Twitter, Telegram, TikTok or a social media that doesn’t start with “T”. I’ll be forever grateful.



Vanina Ivanova
Of Worlds and Oysters

A digital marketer & growth hacker. Fluent in 3 languages, yet often confused by human interactions. Maker of AdEx. Find out more on