MOOd Boarding

Jesse Williams
Offset HQ
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2016

(This is the worst title you’ve ever written. -Ed.)

Despite our studio being pretty damn cold this week, we’ve been productive. For those outside of the UK, London is cold.

Scenes from London.

I’ve been playing around with Principle some more, and I really love it. We’ve been experimenting with a new style of button, and it’s been super easy to prototype. We’re big fans of Marvel for quick testing, and Principle is a great complement for fine tuning animations and transitions. It’s pretty simple to get something looking just how you imagined it.

Button prototype using Principle

We also started collaborating with the creative studio at MOO on a couple of videos for the launch of Monogram. Our challenge: Create a 60 second explainer video about our product… without using bouncy banjo music as a soundtrack. Each to their own; we’re more of a Drake kinda studio.

For inspiration, we’ve been collating images that shout “monogram” and product videos we love. What comes to mind? Origami, patterns, bold colours, merging real images with flat textures, our signature grid, square eggs and of course a paper shark.

MOOd Boarding (Just stop. -Ed.)

After watching a lot of videos for products and startups, we’re starting to work out what sort of thing we may want to put together. We want to highlight the personas we think can benefit from this product, and how it could be useful to them in their day to day. We’d also like to get across the primary features of Monogram, and its ease of use.

And now for the commercials… Some example videos we think are neat.

Utku has decided to budget for the first time in his life this January — LOL this should go well. He’s been using Pennies and is raving about it. They’ve got a pretty neat video too.

…and this one from Rise.

On the build side, we continued to work on getting rearranging your cards working as slick as possible. We’ve tried tackling this a few different ways, experimenting with animations and visual treatments. The result, we hope, is intuitive.

We’ve also been giving the Monogram player another look. This is something we have been wanting to do for a while now; it’s the most important bit of the app to get looking great and we keep working at it.

So, all in all, another busy week! Next week, we’re going to get some ideas down on paper for our video, as well as keep on perfecting the player and the rearrange screen in the app.

P.S. We’re on the lookout for a Senior iOS Developer to join our team. For more info, check this out.

See you next week!

