ohhNFT; Building a Multi-Chain NFT Hub

Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2023

On May 27th, 2022 ohhNFT launched its first mint The Watchers: Protectors of the Interchain. A collection of 8,888 Owls. Cosmos’s first cross-chain NFT collection. 6,888 Watchers were minted on Stargaze, and 2000 are still minting on Omniflix.

ohhNFT is a digital art collection, an art vault, a gaming center, a marketplace, an NFT hub and so much more. Fueled by a community of builders, creators, developers, entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators.

Mint here

Over the last year, ohhNFT has established itself as one of the top premier NFT collections in Cosmos. With an ambitious multi-chain roadmap filled with an incredible array of utilities, ohhNFT has surpassed the original goals by building out tools many teams now use.

Recently ohhNFT has released free multi-chain staking for Omniflix, Stargaze, and Polygon. Currently hosting over 10+ teams for the initial beta testing of the platform. Some of the Top Teams in Cosmos and Polygon are using the tools built to grow their NFT collections such as Polygon Punks, Women from Cosmos, The Space Apes Society, Hero, Billionaire Zombies Club, Pixel Wizards, Fuzzy Flies, and more!

Staking is just the beginning, we plan to launch a full suite of one-stop tools such as quests for XP, collab management, a full marketplace for spending staking rewards from teams, custom merch, secure on-chain payments, whitelisting, giveaways, robust tools for sub-communities, discord, a Launchpad, NFT marketplace aggregator and much more!

These tools will come together in one hub allowing teams to direct their communities to one place. Currently, NFT communities are fragmented across multiple platforms for various tools. With the ohhNFT Hub, teams, and communities can do it all in one place!

Custom Project Hub Raffle Marketplace

This revolutionary platform will completely change the way communities and creators interact. Allowing for seamless onboarding, collabs, and a full ecosystem from the start. Teams need to hold 5 ohhNFT Watchers to join the DAO and take advantage of all the available free tools, from bots to staking to a custom marketplace! (Tools like staking & a custom marketplace cost over 6k+ to build, and ohhNFT offers them free!)

Creating value for holders through real utility. Not only are holders able to stake and earn our native token $STRDST Stardust but these tokens can be used by teams & community members for premium services offered on the ohhNFT platform! Imagine being able to stake NFTs giving access to our industry-first Staking & Marketplace platform for free, then earn enough tokens from mining $STRDST to pay for premium services! ohhNFT is building a robust ecosystem like no other.

The best part is Stardust has no team tokens, no pre, private, or public sale. In fact, $STRDST is an NFT first of it’s kind stake to mine token! The tokens are created and distributed each epoch (24hr period) based on NFTs staked. Before this, the tokens do not exist! A truly community lead and owned token with real utility out the gate.

Not only do holders get access to the ohhNFT DAO and all that the ohhNFT platform will be, but they also get to take advantage of the ohhVAULT. What is the ohhVAULT? Currently, it’s the largest NFT vault in Cosmos. The ohhVAULT is backed by real blue-chip NFTs, with scarcity built-in with a max supply of 12 million mined over 10 years. Holding a Watcher mines $OHH, the social, protocol, and governance token for the ohhVAULT.


ohhNFT takes NFT platforms to a whole other level with Owlies Trading Card Game. The entire ohhNFT multichain platform is also gamified via Owlies, which is under the ohhNFT umbrella. Both ecosystems are powered by $STRDST and utilize the token for core functions. Take a more in-depth look into Owlies here.

Owlies is a customizable defi trading card game where holders mine $STRDST to purchase wearables that are minted into custom 1:1 trading cards. With built-in stats, each card has the ability to be boosted using badges. Badges are a core element to the game as well as intertwined into ohhNFT platform rewards. There are many various ways to earn badges with even more once the full ohhNFT platform is live. Learn more about badges here.

Customize 1:1 Owlies Trading Cards

One of the next big leaps for ohhNFT will be the ohhVERSE. A metaverse hub, currently in development, tying all ohhNFT IP together in one place, while also partnering with projects that join the DAO & utilize the staking platform. Forming a robust ecosystem with a multi-chain/multi-project hub. Giving projects that join the ohhNFT DAO the opportunity to instantly join our ohhVERSE, while also adding games they have built to our ohhCLUB ohhARCADE.

Mockup of the future Owlies PvP tournaments in the ohhVERSE

Join the DAO today simply by picking up a Watcher NFT! Join the community at discord.gg/ohhnft



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Founder/CEO of @Hemp360 . Founder of @OwliesNFT Deflationary Cross-chain NFT collectors game $OWLIES. @ohhNFT Owlies Hoot House Club