Okomo: a solution suited for different industries

Okomo Blog
Published in
6 min readSep 9, 2019

No matter the industry that your company is engaged with, it can always benefit from Okomo. By integrating the Okomo widget in your website and other platforms you are opening a direct window of communication with customers and prospects. Not only you and your team can chat, receive calls and video calls, but Okomo also allows screen sharing, data transfer, scheduling meetings, while managing all the contact requests in a calendar. There are many possibilities on how tour business can benefit from using Okomo. Doesn’t matter if you work on the fashion industry or if you are a lawyer: keep reading and find out the possibilities that Okomo can bring to your business.

Real Estate

In this industry, relationship building is key. With Okomo you will be available for inquiries in a quick and direct way. Often a web visitor has a question about a property and they might send it by email or leave it a comment formulary. Still, if you are not quick enough the selling opportunity may pass and the person who asked for some information found something else and lost interest. By having a closer contact with customers and prospect, through a call or video call, you can understand their expectations better and lead them in the right direction. Okomo makes possible for you to turn website visits into a sale opportunity, because prospects can see who is available to answer their request and have more immediate responses.


There are many possibilities that Okomo can offer to the Healthcare industry. With Okomo’s simple integration on your company’s website, it is possible to do quick consults, monitoring and follow ups to patients. It also makes able for patients to contact their doctor from anywhere they are, making it easier to help them and advise them even from far way. Okomo will also help to better manage your resources and thus reduce costs: your doctor doesn’t have to go to a patient house for a follow up, for example; he/ she can do it through an Okomo’s call or video call, and then decide if a drive to the patient’s house is still needed. Okomo is definitely a low-cost solution than can really simplify doctor-patient and hospital communications.

Customer Support

Okomo is the answer if you want to give your customers and prospects the best customer support and experience. No matter what is the focus of your business, Okomo will bring your company a direct channel of communication with several possibilities, from chat to call and even screen sharing. Your support team will be able to guide your customer on their inquires and complains and help them find a solution without having to deal with standardized answers from a chatbot or wasting time on long and tiresome FAQ pages without finding any solution to their problems. That is way many times customers contacting the support centre seam irritated and inpatient: because they already spent the last half hour trying to get help and were unable to do it. Okomo makes it simple to find the right person to contact within your team and engage contact in a few seconds with no need to register for an account. Your customers will feel supported and they will trust your company because it offers interaction with real people in a direct and simple way.


Learning and teaching has really changed in this digital era. The way teachers, students and parents interact switched and has become more quicker and easier, thus there are still some gaps to be filled. Okomo can enhance interaction between all the members that represent a school community: from students reaching for their teachers with concerns about some subject or assignment; to parents meeting also with teachers and other school members. Making easier for working parents to attend a school meeting from their offices, without feeling guilt for not being present. Okomo allows the video call that will put people face to face, in a closer way to interact through the web, and also grants data sharing and screen sharing to make easier to show and not just to tell. With the need only for a web browser, Okomo is accessible anywhere, through phone, tablet or computer. This meaning that the communication between users can happen anywhere.


Okomo will not only help customers and prospects visiting your website to reach out and ask their questions about a travel package and helping you close sales, but Okomo will also be a point of contact for travellers that engaged in one of your trips to reach out during that period. This way it will be possible to help them with their concerns, managing problems and complaints quickly. They just need a browser and internet connection to get in touch with you or your team. So roaming costs will not be a headache and offer a sum to the issues that customers might be already facing. Okomo offers a strong addition to your customer care and customer experience, enhancing communication through a simple and uncomplicated channel.

Online Commerce

Online commerce has been growing and each day companies dealing with retail find that their online presence is as important as having physical stores on shopping centres or busy streets. This means that they also need virtual assistants in order to continue to provide the best customer experience and give their web visitors the same support as they have on their stores. Okomo is a great solution to provide online assistance. Your customers don’t need to install anything or even open an account: they just choose from a list of experts the person they find more suited to help them; they stablish contact and get the help they need. They can ask you about a product’s characteristics or your guidance to find the best choice according with their need. As in a store they will find someone to help them, they will interact with a real person and see a friendly face on the other side. Online experience will become more human with Okomo, which will bring to your company a solid image, because you will be able to provide the same customer experience on and offline.


If you work with Software as Service products you know how important it is to stay in contact with customers. From a new customer to an existing on, it is crucial to support them through their journey with the company: from installing a new software, teaching them how to use its features, new releases, bugs and troubleshooting… Call centres are limited in the ways they can offer help, specially when on the other side the customer feels lost and doesn’t know what you are talking about. Through Okomo’s screen sharing option your support team can see what is on the other side with your product’s user, the problems that they are facing. Thus, the support team will guide the person reaching for help in a more direct and close way. Not only your customer will feel more assured that his/ her problem is being solved, but also will see your company as a trustworthy provider. Okomo allows customers and prospects to reach your support team in seconds, with no need to additional software installation or long formulary filling to create a user account.

Financial Services

It is difficult to maintain human interaction when customers access your services through ATMs, websites, mobile apps or messaging bots When dealing with banks, customers feel more secure if the information about a product or application is given by someone real, in person in a ban agency. Okomo can fill this gap that your online bank services are facing, by adding a window of communication but keeping the human interaction that reassures customers seeking advice on financial products. Okomo offers flexibility and reliability that the bank sector needs, in a way that grants security and privacy that bank clients demand. Also, when dealing with high net worth clients that may need financial guidance, providing them an expert service that is innovative and accessible from anywhere will make your institution gain lead and competitive leverage.

Okomo offers still many possibilities. Our mission to bring back human interaction to a digital focused business world will keep us developing and creating new ways to empower human communication. To find out more about the opportunities Okomo can bring to your company visit our website. Go for a 14-day trial period and see Okomo in action on your website, enhancing contacts between your customers and your team, in a simple and uncomplicated way.



Okomo Blog

Okomo is the most seamless & personal way of interacting with online customers and prospects. Find out more: okomo.com/