Suddenly many Dutch “kids” are pointed out as “criminal”, while they hardly are the criminals. It is a fraud-kids are not so criminal at all, carefraud, justice is the criminal accusing and earning with forces and exploitations.

We are not allowed to punish them, kids need to learn to set straight was is done wrong. Also, the human right duty is to create the best environment, to hear them correctly, not only in courts, the court should not be used, they should be interpreted correctly, thus be heard correctly. What do they say? What does it truly mean? Without faults, without neglecting the input causing this, without bias, and myths. It has to be scientifically correct, and feasible.

Jiska Hachmer
21 min readNov 8, 2020


If adults are not correctly developed themselves, they hear things differently or miss things.

We are not allowed to expose children to crimes, so we cannot be ourselves the criminals, using them, exploiting them, human trafficking them, putting our will onto them.

It has to be the truth, true sciences, the absolute truth, nothing making things we find different than the truth, and truly completely hear the child, and why this happens. Also, it should not happen, adults are the only fault, and not the parents, but the input.

We have to think and act broadly too, not only in detail and precisely. We have to save humans, also children, human rights are the same as children's rights, it only includes the duty to help them achieve their wishes and human rights, and interpret them correctly. There is the same right to join, which is never the right to force. No one is allowed to be forced (Ruggiero, et al, N.D.).

Especially war, like the covid19 war, is not what kids are allowed to be exposed to, it is the truth it happens, we cannot deny the input and the damaging it does. 1000+ planned and created death is a war (Centeno, N.D.), that will have consequences on kids, and families, things that should never happen to them, thus that input must be stopped immediately, and the causers held responsibly (Hachmer, 2020, What country can and wants to do the tribunals, on Trump, Rutte, and all other leaders in the world that caused Covid19 spread) Including the loss of sovereignty and tribunals to punish (Globalization, 2016).

How to stop wars? (Hachmer, 2020, Study to know how to stop wars, terrorism, extremism, fascism, crimes at work, DSM, and low literacy?).

It also creates gut-brain damages (Hachmer, 2020, Damages after pandemic and epidemics in the Gut and brain).


Ruggiero, R., et al. (N.D.) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. The University of Geneva through Coursera. Retrieved from

Centeno, M. (N.D.) Paradoxes of War. Princeton University through Coursera.

Globalization 101 (2016) International Law Introduction. Suny Levin Institute. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (5th of November, 2020) What country can and wants to do the tribunals, on Trump, Rutte, and all other leaders in the world that caused Covid19 spread — with faults, bias, myths, lies, frauds, planned war, planned deaths, other crimes, and their DSM? Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (11th of October, 2020) Study to know how to stop wars, terrorism, extremism, fascism, crimes at work, DSM, and low literacy?Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (9th of March, 2020) Damages after pandemic and epidemics in the Gut and brain. Crime is a medical condition, by the gut microbiome, viruses, and related to low IQ and psychosis. #Coronavirus, #COVID19. #virus. Medium. Retrieved from

The focus has to be on the input, that can come from anywhere.

Example. Imagine bandura on TV all day, with experiments, unethical experiments, and kids watch it secretly, or in schools, or in daycare, or in churches, who and where is not what causes it per se, it can add on to it, for adults to give the wrong input, caused by wrong bosses.

The focus has to be on stopping anything unethical, violating human rights, anything forcing.

As working people, also anything unscientific, or without the correct curriculum, without the usage of jobs, for crimes, personal gain, and anything that can cause bias, or wrong outcomes. It has to be professional, plus the best input, the best of sciences, the best of the world, and is available as a service, without forces, to provide a human right, and ethically, A-Z correctly.

The input, especially forced, can be damaging, thus the crime is even bigger when forced into the damage.

How we arrange communities (Hachmer, 2020, Communities determine health outcomes), how we understand children and their development (Hachmer, 2020, BASIC CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTO THREE STAGES Made Simple), will change the outcomes, we depend on the scientific evidence, and how we then make informed decisions (Hachmer, 2020, Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions).

Also, how we lead input will change the world. We must create the best environment for everyone, thus need to understand our roles, to spread the best information, so everyone can learn that information and change the world into the best place (Hachmer, 2020, We are standing in front of the biggest work of human life, who leads the world is very important, right now.).


Hachmer, J. (28th of May, 2020) Communities determine health outcomes. What is a community? Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (30th of March, 2020) BASIC CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTO THREE STAGES Made Simple — Even Your Kids Can Do It. Medium. Retrieved from,It%20%7C%20by%20Jiska%20Hachmer%20%7C%20Medium

Hachmer, J. (26th of June, 2020) Our future depends on how well we humans will do science, evidence-based arguments, and making informed decisions. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. ( 5th of November, 2020) We are standing in front of the biggest work of human life, who leads the world is very important, right now. Medium. Retrieved from

The focus has to be on the extension of the home, privacy, not used, not forced, interfered with, not denied rights, not denied the best input.

It has to be first all done correctly, ethical, not violating human rights and providing human rights without forces, and creating the best environment, so one can be authentic, autonomous, and have simply the best input.

The focus must be on input, processing, environment

(all of it, the real violating input into the homes, into the families and kids life, where all bad workers, systems are taken away immediately, so no one is damaged, by the working people, also based on the scientific absolutes, not opinions, nor theories, although nothing can be unethical, we cannot leave it unethical, lacking proof).

We need a clean work floor, with no faults, crimes, usage, nor creating anything bad.

All sciences must be understood, at the highest levels. Same for human rights, ethics, academic skills, and SEL.

Children must be understood in the most ethical, correct ways, and according to human rights first, at all times, including what they really say and mean, without changing this, into what we want to hear.

They are competent at all times, we have interpretation duty and duty to help them achieve their will.

We do this focus and the human rights to prevent exploitations, slavery, and human trafficking, and to let people be truly free and let them be who they truly are.

See the example, jobs are used to traffic. Sex, like sex work, is not the only human trafficking or exploitation. We need to understand the broad concept of human trafficking and exploitation. Most people are trafficked within their own region. Like murderers, it is someone we know. It is profiled, targeted, and just like illegal adoptions, with the use of jobs.

The worst state of this situation might be made legal with judges. Which also shows we cannot depend on courts. Human rights depend on no courts, but if there is a court there must be a fair trial. Does not mean we can go to courts. Courts are meant to give us the administrative head, like a financial director, that can tell us the laws, administratively. Still, everything should be done correctly without courts.

Courts are also not meant to just push the laws and to change the laws. It happens when lots of people go to the courts, pushing the laws away from what it actually means when judges keep interpreting a law incorrectly or use the courtrooms to say something else than the law says, or in one case something is said that is actually not the law.

We depend on what knowledge people have of human rights, ethics, sciences, and what academic skills people have, the same as what level of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) people have. The knowledge changes how we create laws. Everything must be according to human rights, but criminals do not want to do that and do want power jobs. So, we always will find criminals as judges. The stronger we studied and the higher we have our level of studies. The more we understand what to work on, and how human rights actually are, thus the more we can catch criminals in jobs. The norm changes when everyone has higher insights.

Covid19 and crimes among kids

Gut and the brain will be influenced by viruses. Also, kids hardly show the symptoms but can be ill from Covid19 and can be damaged by it, without knowing. Thus, there can be an effect on the brain, without knowing it is COVID19 damage. You would have to check the lungs and brains correctly to know. There are studies done on what we should be found in this research. COVID gets into the brains and lungs, and other organs.

The news and crimes among kids.

Trump and this week of not knowing who will win could be a part of this change in behavior. The children are targeted, profiled, and created this way, but the news is also discussed and having an influence. Kids are getting political influences from their teachers, mainly. They will have the same political point of view as their teachers unless the parents rule better than the teachers. Mostly, kids will copy the exact same political point of view as their teachers (DeRue, et al. N.D.).

Schools and crimes among kids

Forced schooling, the Dutch have, especially during Covid19 and with the political forces, as they will copy the politics from the teachers, especially forced schooled, can lead to changes in the behavior, as this is the worst influence a child can have. They should not be forced, should not be changed, they must be living in the extension of their own home, with their own development, especially in this criminal government, criminally exploited. They should not be in a COVID19 world, they should be at home safe, first, and at all times first. The bad government spread the disease, gave false information, and is profiling kids, and forcing kids, then trying to brainwash them with teachers, and the “jeugdwet”, “ots” “uhp” system, which is an apartheid against children. To rule families and children, to create another political view, it's slavery, the usage of children. Forced schooling is anyway child labor. Dutch also force to very low education, depriving the children of their real potential, it is extreme child abuse, including exploitation and human trafficking. The children live under constant threat and brainwash, done by extreme criminals, using their jobs to abuse the families and children. Where all have to pretend this is best, while it is not.

What would be the cause that we now have more criminal kids?

Bad schooling, forces, Covid19, and behavior changes…? The kids to the schools, with these changes, and us at home? The unfair, the wrong changes, forced changes?

Example of the government with a bandura effect? Elections? Is it a sum of their short past, with even daycare forced? Being neglected, abused, used, exploited, human trafficked?

Is it fraud, lying the kids are doing crimes? Or because of the many pedophiles abusing kids through work? Or the extremists, terrorists, war, fascists influences?

Is it only a Dutch, European, Western problem?

Gut and the brain, climate, bandura, input, processing, output, forces, today and before.

What are the differences between today and before?

Gut and the brain, Dutch were not good in finding viruses, also not good in understanding damages viruses cost. Their GPA low, also their study level low, with many MD with old diplomas, no degrees. And if they got a master, they still do not have a bachelor's degree, and not K12 like the USA has, also not with a high GPA. Plus not from the best schools in the world, and not enough years of school, not average 11 years like in the USA, but just 6 years to be an MD.

Gut and brain studies are not the average studies for the Dutch. So, they miss a lot of studies on what viruses damage the brain and how that changes behavior. They also do not prevent it. They also do not understand their own damages, and in their generations, that viruses costs in their own brains. This creates a negative cycle where is not recovering from viruses, and gets more and more brain damages, and thus also less good brains to study with, and thus fewer findings, which we need to protect us from viruses.

Covid19 is a virus that can damage even more than SARS1. Not knowing the damage completely, yet, and the hidden damage among children, can cause changes in behavior.

Climate is getting worse, this is also brain-damaging. For example, burn-out brains and overwhelmed brains by climate change (Otto, 2018). The climate got worse than in the past, so kids today can be burn-out from the cars and factories outside, with their air pollution.

Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment is the same feel and experience as the bad government's influence on children, especially because this government targets and profiles children and their families. The influence is a bad influence, a bad example, including killing thousands, even planned to kill hundreds of thousands, which could lead to millions. Where in the world millions are already killed. The kids see not a few people and a doll, that creates killers, they see war and millions killed. Plus they are targeted and put in schools while they could die. It is extremely damaging to the brain to be exposed to such input.

Many of these kids are born in this “experiment”, since they were born forced to bad daycare, forced to be away from their parents, while science and human rights demand no separation of kids. These are old and new studies, still finding the same outcomes.

Input, processing, output, lower input, because of the bad schools, put to lower levels, with force. The processing of input also badly because of all these influences and damages, and forces. Thus the output badly.

Before their childhood, we had a better life, where people were focused on our freedom, no forces and only the best input, and getting the level up, instead of putting us forced to a lower level.

People looked at the state of the world, the influences, and how to raise best, how to teach best, without forces, and without violating human rights. Focused on that we would be authentic and autonomous, without violating the extension of the home, and the parents. We are a happy generation, because of that. Our kids are abused in many ways, and even completely exploited and human trafficked, parents today also exploited.


Otto, F. (11th of January, 2018) 4 Ways Climate Change Can Affect the Brain. Drexel. Retrieved from

The news today, last week, and past month.


On 1 day, on the 7th of November, 2020. 8 “kids” in the news for being caught for crimes, today.

1 raper

1 abuser

2 threatening

4 causing fire

Last week

25 stole, together. This makes the first week of november, 25 plus 8 kids in the news for crimes, is 33 kids. If on the same day about 25 other young people attacked 4 cyclers, then there are even 25 more. But when cops arrived the kids were gone.


2 abused, with deadly outcome

10 robbed

5 abused, without deadly outcome

Normally Dutch crime


The same Dutch news site, as I used for today’s news about kids and crimes done, had only 1 article about kids being bad on twitter, in the entire year.

The news article is not there anymore, the link is shown when you go over the article.

So, here is the article from another site, about the same situation.

It was the only news about young people being caught for a tweet. This was already profiling young people, as we were the only ones online. So, it is even a bad time for young people, being targeted. But it was the start of the profiling, hate to youth and the bad parenting of previous generations not wanting to understand their own real bad childhood and crimes, putting us in the spotlight as if we are the problem. The youth with no alcohol, no drugs, and if some rare are, only because of the previous generation, compared to them always on drugs and alcohol, in their norm of that time. Which is commonly known. It shows their exploitive behavior, profiling and pointing out things like kids on internet, which we could not in their time. So, it can sound faster as bad kids, but there is only one news article from that year about kids being bad.


Here crimes by the government started to get worse, profiling young, forcing them to get the bad dutch, not valuable high school diplomas that are actually extensions of elementary, not solving the bad schooling system and bad teaching level.

Kids in the news because of crime was still rare.

Only one article.

People still worked for kids and for example their pension

Kids die on the work floors

Same as back then with the factories, and the only reason why school law was created, to get kids back to work. They first needed the education to survive the more complex factories, which led to death, because the machines got to complex. Society is driven to force kids to work, the way they were forced, does not mean it is correct. It is still child labor and violating. Early working is also related to more crimes. Same as forced schooling is abuse and violating and child labor. Peers together in any way lead to crimes too. It is not the solution to force kids to schools. Free schooling must be available, kids need time for themselves, truly free. Kids are competently allowed to join, but we are not allowed to force them. Freedom is the solution in the end.

They did not give freedom to themselves, does not mean they can now use kids for the same bad world, done to them. Also, staying ignorant is not allowed. It is still abuse and violating.

Gov creating crimes with forces.

Creating more profiling with the different levels in ” high school” with the false idea of the high school levels, not creating equality, and is an abuse instead of achieving human rights. It is violating and older people using young for income, and in many ways. Which changed to human trafficking, and care exploitation.

Plus more forces, with our bad health care seeking money in all the families, with forced care. Violating human rights, including with their own bad education, again. As they have diplomas not degrees and are themselves not the best in health care, they seek forces, are not capable of creating a healthy society without forces.

The crime link with their own low literacy, and their own bad childhood, full of illegal forces, and in many ways cases of abuse, as a BPD backlash now attacking families and kids, to earn on.

It is their own DSM and crimes, coming from a bad past with bad schooling. Like a brainwash, themselves brainwashed, wanting to brainwash others, with their own lives not solved, correctly according to the human rights, the criminals of their past walking free.

2016 report.

in 2014 the report says 72 900 people were caught between 12 and 25 years old. It's the CBS report from 2016, I uploaded to show the pdf. There were 930.000 crimes that year, the report says. In 2014 1 million. In 2016 just 20.800 young people were criminals. In 2005 crimes reported were 1.3 million. It shows not that crimes dropped, it shows cops do not report that much anymore.

Crimes raised we know from many other reports, in education abuses are very high, and increased among workers in the schools, like teachers, and headmasters.

note. These are not reliable reports, as the inspection has not studied much on the subject, also not on laws, and is not the ruler, nor solving, it is an advisor only, refusing to step in and solve. Also, teachers are so extremely abusive, also the headmasters, that they do anything to not have themselves reported, this goes far, even into human trafficking, making their illegal work legal with criminal judges, not from crime courts per se, but from the family court. They try to make young look criminal, instead of themselves. Having a pedophile party, wanting to rule in the government is also a part of this. The pedophiles raped many kids through schools in the seventies and eighties and that still isn't caught nor solved completely, same in the churches, clubs, and youth care. Cops, judges, social care are now an extra criminal in these children's lives, all trying to suppress kids and families, as fascists. People also, found out already these inspections work so badly, there is no use in reporting (onderwijsinspectie, 2019).

  • 2007 1.2 million crimes, about 80.000 young people (12–20 years old)
  • 2014 1 million crimes, 72.900 young people
  • 2016 930.000 crimes, 20.800 young people

Kids are a very small group in crimes, still, but pointed out as the big problem. They are not at all. The crimes elderly do, and they increasingly do, even through jobs, cause the crime to be normal and thus to create kids in crimes. Kids behave even very well despite the criminals around them. They do live a hell of a life, with grown-up as criminals around and that many, and themselves targeted to be human trafficked, exploited, and to be earned on, in the forced schools and care. They will be victims everywhere. No one does human rights correctly, too. The kids must be interpreted correctly and must be getting their own will done, we even have the duty to help them (Gofile, 2020, p13).,vandalism%20and%20public%20order%20offences.,en%20meisjes%20is%20geen%20sprake.,ter%20Steege%20van%20het%20CBS.


We can say, people now write more about kids, they profile more, they put the spotlight on their behavior. We need to be worried about that, as kids only behave badly when adults have bad input. We need the focus on the bad input and change the input. The same bad it would be if we only name parents. We need to name the schools, churches, clubs, government, local and national, social care, care fraud, justice, etc. Everyone exploiting them. Including what we should be doing to solve those bad influences. Including being true about homeschool is proven better, human rights demand an extension of the home, exploitation and human trafficking is criminal.

We need:

MD/psychologists, taking away DSM, by finding the physical illness. To have no wrong diagnosis. We need more jobs on accurate diagnosing, by taking away the DSM in many ways, but all true. The way an MD can find physical illness and solves that so the “DSM” leaves. Diseases can change the mind, this can look like a DSM, but is still a physical illness. When you change the body, the mind changes. It is very important to solve everything so the DSM can leave and leaves. True healing is necessary, but also a right to have the truth, and not some people earning on people, with mistakes. This basic finding the truth is very important to also solve crimes. People with a physical illness can act differently, also people with DSM can act differently, also with psychical illness looking like they have DSM can act differently, you need to know what all that means in a crime spectrum. Some are not criminal, but physically and or mentally ill.

MD/psychologists/ cops can understand these behaviors and laws. Responding better to people, taking away crime, and find physical illness. The same we do with children, we do not punish them, we find what caused their behavior and solve that. Giving the right input also includes finding the real causes and change the real cause. We cannot be shallow in our response, we need to see as many details as possible and find the real causes, and change those causes, so crime is solved.

We also, need to understand the workers, being MD, psychologist, MD/psychologist and cop, and anything in the justice field. They can be ill, physically or mentally, and use the jobs to be criminal. We can see who is a truly, well studied, ethical, honest MD, finding physical illness, and not pretending all people are mentally ill. We can see the true psychologist not just naming all mentally ill to earn on, to exploit them. A true one studies also the physical illnesses and uses real proof, the way MD would show illness, no matter it is mentally or physically. We can see the true cop or person in the justice field, not just naming everyone mentally ill, not just using the jobs, to get all tested and violate human rights. MD would not just test everything, they would test what is needed. They first know themselves what can be up, and ask the patient what they want, they do not violate, they tell what they know can be up, and ask if you want that tested out, to solve. They still understand people, and without violating they can know more than the patient knows, and can let them go without treatment if they want that.

All the rules still count when you have another job. It is medical so all is treated the same way, no matter the crimes the criminals did. When all is mental, the same choices are there. The one with DSM, we can see, but do not label, when they do not want. You then end up with them in jails, when they are criminals. The rules cannot be changed into violations, we need to be smarter, the way we can catch kids in doing good things, we can help them understand what is right and wrong.

MD and psychologists study change management, health psychology, also, human rights, ethics, all sciences, academic skills, etc, and how to change the behavior of patients. This still is not meant as interfering, violating rights, nor force. The right to join, thus not mean the right to force them into things.

Knowing all these studies gives you more details and more possibilities to change people without force and without violations. You will work from understanding. The more you know the more you can do, correctly.

