Go to OMD Dive
OMD Dive
OMD Danmarks perspektiver på forretning, marketing, kommunikation og medier. Vi hylder Epikurs pragmatiske slogan: “Den rådgivning, der ikke har lindret nogen lidelse, er falsk”.
Note from the editor

OMD Danmarks perspektiver på forretning, marketing, kommunikation og medier. Vi hylder Epikurs pragmatiske slogan: “Den rådgivning, der ikke har lindret nogen lidelse, er falsk”.

Go to the profile of OMD Danmark
OMD Danmark
Marketing Performance Agency, der hjælper virksomheder med at udnytte deres kommercielle potentiale.
Go to the profile of Bo Damgaard
Bo Damgaard
Passionate about making significant and lasting improvements to client’s marketing performance and realize their most important goals. Managing Director @ OMDDK
Go to the profile of Bo Damgaard
Bo Damgaard
Passionate about making significant and lasting improvements to client’s marketing performance and realize their most important goals. Managing Director @ OMDDK
Go to the profile of Frank Aagaard Andersen
Frank Aagaard Andersen
Passionate about building and scaling online and omnichannel businesses through agile operations and structured innovations @Omnicom Media Group Denmark
Go to the profile of Theis Kongsbak
Theis Kongsbak
Thinking programmatic, online video, digital advertising and everything in between @Omnicom Media Group Denmark
Go to the profile of Christina Kotzia
Christina Kotzia
Nysgerrig på mennesker og passioneret omkring, at forstå deres adfærd og behov for at optimere marketingindsatser @annalect
Go to the profile of Claus Andersen
Claus Andersen
Claus Andersen is Managing Director @ DrumCPH. With an academic background in sociology, Claus has more than 10 years of experience with insights and strategy.
Go to the profile of Søren Fromberg
Søren Fromberg
Specialist in combining data-driven insights and commercial agendas, with a clear focus on optimizing sales/leads
Go to the profile of Martin Lindegaard
Martin Lindegaard
Leader and strategist turning organisational, technology & data capabilities into differentiating customer outcomes in the commercial value chain.
Go to the profile of Mads Løvbjerg
Mads Løvbjerg
Working with digital marketing creating value for advertisers through strategies, digitalization, innovation and media buying.